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Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in Nursing

Essay Instructions:

An expository essay is a type of academic writing where you seek to inform and explain. For this assignment, your objective is to select from one of two provided topics, investigate the chosen topic closely by examining a total of two articles on the topic, and then describe and explain that issue to your readers in a five-paragraph essay.

Essay Components:

-Introduction (one paragraph) Reveal broad knowledge of the overall topic. A thesis statement that identifies the main point or purpose of your essay. Body (three paragraphs)

-Discuss the relevant parts of the issue you've explored. Provide detailed information on your issue through summary, analysis, and synthesis of the two provided articles. Integrate sources effectively using signal phrases. Be sure to avoid drop quotes, and use proper APA format for in-text citations.

-Conclusion (one paragraph) Revisit or summarize the main points of your essay. Include your perspective on the issue (optional)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in Nursing
Artificial intelligence (AI) has positive and negative implications across various industries and sectors where it has been deployed. However, it can be observed that AI always tends to revolutionize human lives across all its application. In healthcare, one emerging issue is the role of AI in facilitating nursing practice. Many studies have established that nursing can be significantly improved by using robotics since it can achieve better health outcomes. In other cases, robotics is seen as a potential solution for nursing burnout, a problem that hospitals have seemingly failed to resolve. This expository essay focuses on AI in nursing and discusses its applications, some benefits, and the detriments of AI. The applications include assessing patient symptoms, establishing determinants of health, and coordinating interventions. The major advantage is the reduction in nursing burnout, while the major drawback is that AI may replace nurses.
AI has multiple practical applications in nursing, making it inevitable for healthcare facilities to deploy this technology. According to Swan (2021), the practical applications include detecting signs and symptoms of patients, assessing social determinants of health, indicating interventions needed, documenting visits, and indicating care coordination interventions. These tasks are often the responsibility of nurses, who use various mechanisms and approaches. AI is a technology that automates these tasks and leaves the nurses with less paperwork to worry about. The procedures are shortened, time is saved, and the nurses will have less workload to cause burnout. However, it is essential to look at the importance of AI beyond the nurses’ perspectives. In this case, the need to deploy AI goes beyond helping nurses with their job. AI is a technology designed for improved nursing and patient care outcomes. AI helps improve the care of patients, communities, and families. For example, automation reduces errors, which improves treatment outcomes. As a result, the families will not suffer pain and agony associated with patients’ death or prolonged pain due to errors, which also means that AI improves the community’s overall health. AI also enhances and supports interprofessional team outcomes. Improved care outcome is one of the key performance metrics in nursing. At the organizational level, reduced care costs and improved data management are also benefits derived from AI. Overall, AI is increasingly becoming indispensable to modern healthcare facilities.
Aiding nurses in their job is one of AI's most significant practical applications. In this case, one of the immediate effects nurses will feel is the reduction in burnout. An article on hospital robotics helping combat nurse burnout has been presented by Johnson (2022), who explain...
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