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Prostitution is Moral, Despite a Few Arguments Against It

Essay Instructions:

The final paper (6 full pages plus a bibliography on the 7th page) will be an analysis of an issue, related to the understanding of ethics that is the subject of an unsettled debate. You will explore the competing perspectives on the chosen issue and draw your own conclusions.

Topic: Is prostitution morally wrong?

Instructions: Begin by brainstorming on the following questions: What are the most important arguments that may be offered in support of the chosen view? What are the most important arguments that may be offered against that view? Which position would you defend? Why? What is the most important objection(s) to your position? How would you respond?

Your essay should summarize the opposing arguments in the literature, and present your own critical analysis of the evidence offered by the opposing sides. You should take a side in the debate and defend your position.

The essay should start with an introduction, where you motivate the topic, briefly explain the debate, and present your argument. Including a roadmap will help the reader preview your analysis. For both sides of the debate, your essay should provide an overview of the literature on the topic, the main arguments that have been made, and the evidence that has been offered in support of those arguments. In your analysis, which should constitute the main portion of the essay, present your critical evaluation of the arguments and the evidence.

Format: double-spaced, 12-point, Times Roman Font, one inch margins. Please use APA style citations.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Prostitution is Moral, Despite a Few Arguments Against It
There are several things that have always created controversy in society. One of the oldest professions in the world is also one of the most controversial. It has been part of the world’s culture for several centuries. This has been due to man’s desire for sexual satisfaction and adventure. Prostitution is the provision of sexual services at a fee. Prostitution has often split opinions hinging on its morality, with much of the debate being about delivering the services out of self-will or necessity. The morality of prostitution is also subjective, depending on which perspective one takes, either the provider's side or the recipient's. Prostitution is moral, despite a few arguments against it.
Prostitution is Moral.
The issue of morality in prostitution is quite complex and, in most cases, biased against it. On a fair platform, however, prostitution is moral. It is essential to understand the ethics of prostitution first to understand its definition. Prostitution is sex for hire between consenting individuals. These are individuals who have the free will to make decisions in line with the same. This is perfectly moral in itself. They have not been coerced into it nor found themselves in it as a result of intoxication. There is an offer, an acceptance of the offer and consent to the deeds. While looking at prostitution in this manner, what prostitutes need is not saving but understanding. It is also worth noting that while they might overlap at times, there is a very clear line between prostitution and trafficking.
The morality of prostitution hinges on the realistic nature of it. A woman engages in prostitution for a reason. With the economic demands of life and society, one needs to have a source of income. As initially noted, prostitution is one of the oldest professions. Women have engaged in it as a source of income. In the earlier centuries and in economies with little to no job creation, poor women embraced prostitution as a form of income-generating activity. In essence, it was through prostitution that they were able to sustain themselves and their families. Clearly, prostitution was a means to an end (Abumere, 2019). It is also worth noting that in the present age, prostitution is not just about women offering their bodies for the sexual satisfaction of men; it also involves men doing the same too. There are male prostitutes in it, too, clear evidence that prostitution is growing and diversifying.
Prostitution is ‘work’ just like those people who wake up in the morning to go to their respective workplaces. It does not exploit the nature of humanity in a way that is fundamentally different to the typical forms of labour. It is, therefore, quite in line with a normal job (Herlinger, 2017). There is no wrongful use of one's body since the term 'wrongful' is subjective as well. Ethically, distinguishing right from wrong depends on the pleasure or pain generated. In this case, there is the essence of pleasure for the client and willful provision by the woman. This means that, generally, pleasure is generated. Camus (1955) further notes that the only serious philosophical and hence, ethical problem is the end of life through suicide. This means that the ethical perspective of prostitution hinges more on the moral than the immoral.
According to utilitarianism, the end, in most cases, justifies the means (Abumere, 2019). This means that as long as the consequences are good, it doesn't matter what actions were taken to reach them. From a sociocultural and socioeconomic perspective, prostitution is moral because behind the scenes; it's an industry that has its own economy which yields good results. According to Herlinger (2017), there were around 49 countries where prostitution is legal, and 39 where it isn't, as of the year 2017. The interesting bit, however, is that there were 12 others that had 'limited legality' of prostitution; a clear testament is that they also support it. These nations realized the importance of prostitution and opted not to criminalize it.
Prostitution is moral because it recognizes and respects the use of one’s ability to make an honest living. According to Kantian ethics, prostitution is morally wrong due to the utility of one’s body as a means to an end (Kant,n.d.). Kant, however, fails to realize that there are several instances where one uses their body to make a living. Builders always put their bodies on the line in order to make a living. The same applies to farmers, drivers and several other jobs. The use of the body to earn a living, therefore, becomes a matter of reality and what happens in society on a routine basis. As Camus (1955) asserts, the problem with society is in the acceptance of knowledge in its reality. There is a need always to know how and when t...
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