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Army vaules. Loyalty, Duty, Respect etc. Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

Informative essay on Army vaules;




Selfless service



Personal courage

750 word minimum

Do not use passive voice


20:21 -7usacac.army.mil# 1. Army Writing Style
Following the components of the Army writing style will lead you to write to Army standard. The Army standard is stated as "transmits a clear message in a single rapid reading and is generally free of errors in grammar, mechanics, and usage." A general summary of the Army writing style is below:
1. Put the recommendation, conclusion or reason for writing — the bottom line — in the first or second paragraph, not at the end.
2. Use the active voice.
3. Use short sentences (an average of 15 or fewer words).
4. Use short words (three syllables or fewer).
5. Write paragraphs that average 6 to 7 sentences in length.
6. Use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
7. Use "I," "you," and "we" as subjects of sentences instead of "this office," "this headquarters," "all individuals," and so forth for most kinds of writing.
8. Retype correspondence only when pen and ink changes are not allowed, when the changes make the final product look sloppy, or when the correspondence is going outside DA or to the general public. In general, do not retype correspondence to make minor corrections.Eagle Ri
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Writing Study Gsc
;reLearning to accurately use the various components of the Army writing style correctly will help you learn to write using the Army writing standard.red: December 19, 2013id Security Notice | Contact Webmaster | Accessibility Help | External Link Disclaimer | No Fear Act | TRADOC | iSALUTE | Ft. Leavenworth | Site Map | FOIA | USA.GOV | This is an official U.S. Army Siteû m a


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defined by our US Army asr^ Loyalty: Bear true faith and allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, the Army, your unit and other Soldiers. Bearing true faith and allegiance is a matter of believing in and devoting yourself to something or someone. A loyal Soldier is one who supports the leadership and stands up for fellow Soldiers. By wearing the uniform of the U.S. Army you are expressing your loyalty. And by doing your share, you show your loyalty to your unit.
Duty: Fulfill your obligations. Doing your duty means more than carrying out your assigned tasks. Duty means being able to accomplish tasks as part of a team.


23:26-7 ..
a bartleby.com
uo ior us. i^especi is 10 nave irusi mai people will fulfill their duties and accomplish what is expected of them. Respecting ones self is an important factor of the Army value of respect. We, the United States Army are one team and we each have something to contribute. What is respect? Respect has numerous forms. It can be self-awareness, character, understanding, trust, honesty, and a positive attitude. Respect must be earned. If someone does not respect himself or herself then they are not able to respect others. To gain respect you must treat others the way you would want to be treated, as you have heard many times before. If a unit lacks respect it cannot have teamwork and sympathy for the well being of others. It creates devotion to the success of the team. Respect goes both ways up and down the chain of command. A leader must respect his or her soldiers as their soldiers must appreciate the sacrifices and skills their


PRINCIPLES OF ARMY WRITING STYLE1. INTRODUCTION. At various times soldiers will have to communicate their intention through writing. Putting our thoughts on paper is important, but just as important is to ensure that what we have written clearly communicates our intentions. Our understanding of "how to" organize our thoughts into coherent sentences and paragraphs can help ensure that we communicate clearly. The objective of this lesson, then, is to help you as a writer sharpen your understanding of the Army writing style by briefly reviewing the structure and function of word groups (phrases, clauses, sentences, and paragraphs) to assist you in writing effectively.
a. Accuracy. Your work should represent only essential and accurate facts free of bias or distortion.
h. Brevity and completeness. You must keep to essentials. Your writing should be brief and to the point. To cover a subject completely, while keeping the length of the paper to the absolute minimum requires careful analysis and probably several revisions. If necessary, attach explanatory facts and figures as annexes. The shorter your paper, the less your chance for error. On the other hand, never sacrifice clarity to gain brevity.
c. Clarity. You must make a special effort to keep your writing clear and fully understandable. Your readers must be certain of your intent. Select words and phrases that express your exact meaning and can only have one interpretation. Using familiar, precise words contributes to clarity in writing.
d. Coherence. Coherence is the logical development and arrangement of a subject. You can achieve coherence by first thinking the subject through and seeing it as a whole, then arranging the various parts logically and harmoniously. When writing on a complex subject, use an outline to achieve coherence.
e. Unity. Your writing must adhere to a single idea. You should apply this principle not only to each sentence and paragraph but also to your entire paper. If you have more than one subject to discuss, prepare a separate paper on each subject.
a. The purpose statement. Open with a short, clear purpose sentence. The purpose statement is not the
same as the bottom line. It only tells the reader what to expect when reading the paper. A purpose statement does not tell the reader the conclusion(s) the writer draws.
h. Thesis. The bottom line or thesis statement tells your reader what it is you consider important. Put
the recommendation, conclusion, or most important information (the main point) next. (Some writers combine the purpose and the main point.) The Army standard for writing requires putting the main point up front and using the active voice. It is best to capture your bottom line in a single sentence that is clear and easy to understand. Being able to state your thesis in a single sentence indicates that you have a good understanding of your subject. After you have stated your bottom line and explained it in the first paragraph, you are free to support your thesis. For example:
Purpose: It is the purpose of this paper to discuss creating a fair and democratic electoral system for Haiti.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Army is a unique profession that needs people with both sound mind and body. Therefore, those who serve in the Army must be fit with their physical body and have excellent performance in academic. Besides, they are people who must get ready to embrace the culture and practices of the army. Before one gets into the Army, it is essential for the person to understand the Army values. This paper describes the Army Values for the people wish to join, and those who have the quest to understand the values practiced within the army. The Army values are seven in number and represented using the abbreviation ‘'LDRSHIP''. Each of the seven letters has a meaning which is vividly described in the paper.
The first value to an Army Soldier is Loyalty. According to Felten 2011, Loyalty is unwavering or firm support of something or towards someone. The Army men and women are expected to practice the value of loyalty more specifically to the state, head of state and the leaders above them. For example, an Army Soldiers express loyalty through putting on the Uniform. The value of loyalty is essential in the Army because it creates order. The loyal Soldiers take orders from the leaders and acts as commanded. Additionally, loyalty creates respect to a high-rank official of the Army.
Duty is a value that calls for commitment. Commitment in the army means that having the ability to fulfill the obligations is assigned by the leaders and working with the fellow Soldiers as a team to accomplish duty (Rennick, 2011). Every recruit into the Army has a responsibility that is fulfilled through duty. Before the state calls and allows one to join the Army, the space and the function of the person are vacant. Once in the Army, one must have the ability to serve and meet the objectives of the assigned tasks.
Respect is the third value, processes of treating and handling the people in a manner that make the other feels important. Respect in the Army is an essential value because it enhances good relations of people within the army (Pressfield, 2011). Both the juniors and senior Solders require respect from each other hence it is upward and downwards. The leaders in the Army should treat the juniors so that they also feel they fit into the position of an Army Soldier because it not only adds value to the Army institution but also to the state at large.

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