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The Impact of Entitlement Reform to Public Policy, Health, and Urban Planning

Essay Instructions:

This two page double spaced essay is meant to be a mini-version of your final paper. I suggest that your format should include the following pieces of information:
Introduce your topic and tell me why you think it is important
Explain how your topic relates to public policy
Explain how your topic relates to public health
Explain how your topic relates to urban planning
Explain how you think the fields interrelate around your topic

ENTITLEMENT REFORMAnother contender for budget reconciliation is entitlement reform, which Ryan has indicated that he plans to pursue in 2018. The Medicaid program, which is projected to account for approximately $385 billion of federal spending in 2017, will be a prime target.

We expect to see policies aimed at controlling federal spending and shifting authority from the federal government to the states. Proposals will likely be similar to those included in the House-passed American Health Care Act and other ACA repeal and replace measures, such as phasing down Medicaid expansion, as well as shifting Medicaid financing from a federal-state match to a state block grant or per capita allotment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Entitlement Reform
Entitlement Reform
Controlling federal spending and shifting authority from the government to the states is an important issue which deserves to be given attention. I think this is important because by handing over federal spending to each state, and enable them to manage their finances around a given policy, each state will effectively be able to budget for its people and fully cater for their needs are specified in a policy. Entitlement reform thus is a set of formal actions by the legislature and executive to push the government to spend on programmes ( Resenbaurn, 2018).
Entitlement reform will have an immense impact on public policy. The public policy is a principled guide to action taken by the administrative executive branches of the state about a class of issues, in a manner consistent with law and institutional customs. When this reform occurs, public policy formulation and implementation will take place mainly at the state level as opposed to the federal level. This will lead to a significant budget reconciliation and minimize wastage of public resources as well as increase efficiency of service and cutting through red tape. Whereas the Medicaid programme approximated spending is $385 billion government spending at the national level, this figure could be much lower if each state, budgeting solely handled the Medicaid programme, and planning for their people with the available dynamic and diverse resources, as well as demographics of each country. This will lead to phasing out of the programme's expansion as well as shifting its financing, from federal state match to state block grant or per capita allotment.
Considering entitlement reform is the legislative efforts to make changes in the benefits paid from government-administered funds to citizens who meet a specific requirement and are therefore...
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