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Are We Free: How To Spend The Holiday And What Profession To Join?

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Are We Free?
Are We Free?
There are some things that we possibly consider as being up to an individual in order to make a choice that suits them. A good example is whether to wear a black or purple blouse in the morning, what to have for lunch, or how to spend the holiday and what profession to join. However, when it comes to such matters some individuals do not have a choice with regard to what to have for lunch it is either rice or starving. Similarly, an individual may have to follow a particular line of duty even if they face threats of suffering or death. This is because they have to get income in order to survive in the universe. It is not only about comfort but also getting a source of living. Theorists have a tendency to wonder whether we openly have total freedom with regard to our actions or not. Being free entails having the capability to decide on doing an activity or another without any potential obstruction (Green, 2006). Accordingly, the paper seeks to present an essay on whether our actions are ever free to add on provide the best justification for my position that I possibly can withstand.
Determinism is the contextual position in which every occurrence has some conditions in existence that would prevent the happening of a different incident. It proclaims that human beings might possess incidental freedom but not metaphysical freedom. This implies that we may have the freedom to sit down or stand up, however; we lack the independence to make a choice of the pathway to follow, as we are alive. With regard to this view, we live by the mercy of depending on the circumstances we face as well as our physical bodies. There are various types of determinism in existence. Universal determinism outlines that there is some subsequent and adequate physical condition for each incident, which happens. Universal determinism is the philosophical situation whereby for every scope there is a condition, which would possibly lead to no other circumstance (Green, 2006). Universal determinism may pose an apparent threat to the idea that our actions are free due to a number of reasons. Compatibilists such as Hume propose that universal determinism does threaten the freedom of action (Green, 2006). Determinism declares that the path of man is already prearranged. Universal determinism shows that freedom is just a deception. This is because a man thinks that he or she lives by his/her choices, however, it is not the case instead they live at the mercy of physical occurrences. It is clear that determinism intimidates the notion that we may possibly do actions in a free manner without any kind of disruptions.
There is a significant difference that exists between freedom of will and freedom of action. Freedom of action involves the performance of an action without any restrictions. On the other hand, it would probably be deceptive to give a specific and strict description of freedom of will because according to the works of philosophy there is not a single perception about it. Freedom of will may remain described as a subject of possessing liberty over the will of a person (Clark, 2017). This implies that it is the kind of freedom, which goes beyond the desires, which ultimately give an individual the motivation to perform some actions. Freedom of will is the exclusive capability of an individual to practice control over their manner of conducting themselves bearing in mind their moral obligations. An ordinary person does not possess power over every part of their freedom of will. A person may not have the freedom to fulfill all their intentions to achieve the desired outcomes. There is a probability that it is challenging to overcome the aspiration for having a social relationship with other people. However, a person may not have the freedom of will to change some aspects in his or her will. There is a need for people to have the freedom of will in order to facilitate some activities.
Compatibilism provides a way out to the issue of free will since there is an unclear incompatibility between determinism a...
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