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Apply the Utilitarian Analysis: Literature & Language Essay

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Apply the Utilitarian Analysis
Identify the audience
The audience for the rule includes the social healthcare workers, the families of the social healthcare workers, the people in the senior homes, the families of the elderly in the senior homes, and the general public in need of healthcare services. The social healthcare workers would be directly affected by such a rule. Since they are inadequately trained and protected, their lives will be at stake the moment they are put on the frontline to fight for the lives of the seniors. As seen in the current pandemic, many have lost their lives, including healthcare professionals. This introduces the next group that would be affected by such a rule: the families of social workers.
The families of the social workers will also be affected, in case they happen to lose their loved ones. As indicated, working without protected gear is likely to affect the healthcare of social workers. So, many are likely to be affected if their family members get sick or die from a disease. Also, the general public is bound to be affected. This group will be impacted because if the social workers are affected, their lives will be impacted in the long-run. It is easy to assume that more will be trained to take up their positions. However, if the government is forcing people to work in unconducive conditions, the chances are that fewer people will be willing to work in such sectors.
The elderly and their families stand to be affected as well. If the rule is upheld, their lives will be saved, and their families will be happy. So, these two groups also stand to benefit.
Estimate preference satisfaction if the rule is adopted
Adopting such a rule would lead to dissatisfaction and anger from citizens because the government would be sacrificing the lives of young, energetic individuals and in disgraceful circumstances. The public would not trust the government has their best interest at heart. With sufficient training and protection, the move would be welcomed, but, with such circumstances at hand, it would breed hatred towards the government.
Estimate preference satisfaction if it is not
If not adopted, more of the elderly in senior homes are likely to die. Even though people will complain because of the same, the government will have saved more of its productive populace.
Consider alternatives
The government should not adopt the rule but consider offering suffic...
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