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Annotations on Asceticism and the Spirit of Capitalism

Essay Instructions:

For this reading, you are required to make five annotations (thoughtful comments about an article). Thoughtful annotations may engage in key points in the readings, stimulate discussion, or offer informative questions or comments.

Five comments, with each at least 55 words, please!

And please quote the part of the reading that you make each comment on, just like "...(content)..."

They should be in different part of the reading.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Annotation of Asceticism and the Spirit of Capitalism
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Annotation of Asceticism and the Spirit of Capitalism
1st annotation (page 104)
"Capitalism's spirit" can be viewed as a historical individual. It comprises several distinct elements linked together by their shared cultural importance. It places an obligation toward capital growth for the individual, which is supposed to be the ultimate goal (Fischoff,1944). Not only is it an ethos, but breaking its principles is not only folly and lousy business but also a forgetting of responsibility.
2nd annotation (page 106)
The pursuit of material wealth is no longer seen as a means of survival under this ethic but rather as the ultimate goal of a man's existence. That has been paired with an utter absence of spontaneity in one's life (Fischoff,1944). This morality appears to be wholly transcendental and completely unreasonable when viewed from the perspective of the enjoyment or utility of a single human being in their life.
3rd annotation (page 107)
When a man's accomplishmen...
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