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Should Animal Testing be Abolished?

Essay Instructions:

Touchstone 3.2: Draft an Argumentative Research Essay

ASSIGNMENT: Using your outline and annotated bibliography from Touchstones 1.2 and 2.2, draft a 5-7 page argumentative research essay on your chosen topic.

As this assignment builds on Touchstone 2.2: Create an Annotated Bibliography, that Touchstone, as well as Touchstone 3.1, must be graded before you can submit your research essay draft.

A. Assignment Guidelines

DIRECTIONS: Refer to the list below throughout the writing process. Do not submit your Touchstone until it meets these guidelines.

1. Argumentative Thesis Statement

❒ Have you included a thesis in your introduction that takes a clear, specific position on one side of a debatable issue?

2. Argument Development

❒ Are all of the details relevant to the purpose of your essay?

❒ Is the argument supported using rhetorical appeals and source material?

❒ Is your essay 6-8 pages (approximately 1500-2000 words, not including your references or reflection question responses)? If not, which details do you need to add or remove?

3. Research

❒ Have you cited outside sources effectively using quotation, summary, or paraphrase techniques?

❒ Are the sources incorporated smoothly, providing the reader with signal phrases and context for the source information?

❒ Have you referenced a range of at least 7 credible sources?

❒ Have you properly cited your sources according to APA style guidelines?

❒ Have you included an APA style reference page below your essay?

4. Reflection

❒ Have you answered all reflection questions thoughtfully and included insights, observations, and/or examples in all responses?

❒ Are your answers included on a separate page below the main assignment?

B. Reflection

DIRECTIONS: Below your assignment, include answers to all of the following reflection questions.

Provide one example of a place where you have used rhetorical appeals or source material to support your argument. How does this enhance your essay? (2-3 sentences)

Touchstone 4 is a revision of this draft. What kind of feedback would be helpful for you as you revise? Are there parts of your draft that you’re uncertain of? (3-4 sentences)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Should Animal Testing be Abolished?
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Using animals in research experiments has always been a hotly debated topic. According to People for the Ethical Treating of Animals (PETA), one hundred million animals, such as cats, dogs, mice, rats, frogs, rabbits, pigs, monkeys, birds, and fish, die in US laboratories as a result of animal testing. The animals are used for drug research and developing medical treatments, curious experimentation, learning biology and safety testing food, products, and chemicals (PETA, 2022). While some people view animals as companions, others treat them as experiment subjects who inhale toxic chemicals, are burned, infected with diseases, abused, crippled, and have holes drilled in their skulls to advance human safety and health. While society deems it unethical to experiment on humans first due to the dangers, exposing animals to similar risks is inhumane, unethical, and unreliable, and with effective alternative testing methods available, animal testing should be abolished.
The primary reason for abolishing testing on animals is that it is inhumane. According to the Humane Society, animals are exposed to severe and extreme treatment despite experiments being classified as mild. These include being infected with deadly diseases, poisoned with toxic chemicals, barred in small cages, restrained, having holes drilled in their skull, denied food and water, and having skin burned off to observe the healing process (McArthur, 2022). Consequently, they are severely harmed, endure unexplainable pain and debilitating fear, and endure the medications’ and chemicals’ horrid side effects. The stress of their treatment and environment causes some of them to develop irrational behavior such as repeatedly spinning, swaying back and forth, biting themselves, and pulling their fur out. Further, at the end of the experiments, they are euthanized, while others are killed through asphyxiation by carbon dioxide, neck-breaking, and decapitation or left to die from the effects of the tests. Animals, just like humans, have nervous systems, chemical transmitters, and emotions that contribute to feeling pain. According to Dunnuck, an animal rights campaigner, “animals and people are alike in many ways: they both feel, think, behave and experience pain. Thus, they should be treated with the same respect as humans (Grooms, 2021).” Therefore, exposing them to such horrendous agony and untold suffering is unacceptable and callous.
Animal testing is unethical as it violates the rudimentary principle of ethical research. According to Deborah Smith (2003), principles of research ethics dictate that research should respect the participants, be beneficial to society while not causing harm, and be fair to those participating. Animal testing takes a toll on the life of animals and leads to painful deaths. While scientists attempt to minimize their pain and suffering, housing them in tiny cages in labs away from fellow animals and infecting them with diseases and injuries does not respect the lives and needs of the animals. Despite the benefits of such testing, forcefully burdening thinking and feeling animals without their consent to a lifetime of pain, loneness, fear, and psychological torture cannot be morally justified, mainly because the said tests do not benefit them (Akhtar, 2021, pp.843-846). Hence, stripping animals of their dignity without considering other options and the suffering they undergo violates moral principles.
The unreliability nature of animal testing makes it dangerous; thus, it should be abolished. Humans and nonhuman animals vary based on their anatomic, cellular, and metabolic makeup, making animals dissimilar to people. According to Professor Paul Furlong, “it’s very hard to create an animal model that even equates closely to what we’re trying to achieve in the human (Peggs, 2015, pp.626-627).” Also, animals do not suffer from numerous human diseases such as heart disease, cancer, Parkinson’s disease, and schizophrenia. Thus, reproducing symptoms and effects closely mirroring human diseases becomes impossible when human diseases are artificially introduced into animals. Hence, the results produced are limited in usefulness or detrimental to human life due to assumed risks. For instance, in HIV/AIDS research using nonhuman primates, 90% of HIV vaccines that succeeded in animals failed in humans. Also, the Vioxx drug was found safe for monkeys and five other species of animals in treating arthritis. However, it resulted in 320,000 heart attacks and strokes and the deaths of 140,000 people worldwide (Akhtar, 2015, pp. 409-412). The discordance between human diseases and their replication in animals makes animal testing pointless.
Testing products and medication on animals is unnecessary due to the availability of viable alternatives. Thanks to advancements in research and technology, other methods of research that are relevant to humans have been developed. In vitro testing is one of the alternatives where a test is carried out on human cells grown in a lab and is effective in replicating human diseases, psychology, and response to medication (Mushtaq, Daş & Aksoy, 2018, pp. 163). Computer modeling is another alternative, which utilizes sophisticated computers to simulate human body parts such as the lungs and liver, the progression of a disease, and demonstrate how new drugs react on the body. Also, technological advancements have made tissue bio-printing possible by growing artificial human skin on human skill cell sheets. Human tissue is another alternative, wh...
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