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An Interview of the Comparison of Students’ College Experiences

Essay Instructions:

based on the interview with pather, comparing your college experence with partner

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An Interview of the Comparison of Students’ College Experiences
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An Interview of the Comparison of Students’ College Experiences
Every student has a unique college experience. Despite the diversity, inclusivity, and equity programs that emphasize the equality of college students, some differences in how learners treat each other will always exist. For instance, Chinese, African American, Asian, and White students have distinctive experiences. Based on my last week’s interview with my partner, I have learned that what matters the most is how one is treated by others at college is a person’s mindset. Many students handle each other with respect and dignity, while others have prejudice due to racial, cultural, religious, ethnic, skin color, gender, or sexual orientation differences. Although at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), students’ equity, diversity, and inclusivity program emphasizes equality, respect, and dignity in how students are treated, learners have unique college experiences, which are deep-rooted from where one comes from and his or her cultural or racial differences.
After interviewing my partner, I realized that we had distinct college experiences. My interviewee said that he likes doing things on his own and does not like talking much with others. On the contrary, I like interacting with students from different parts of the world since I believe that one can learn many things by listening to others. In particular, the way people comprehend things in life is different, which enables everyone to be unique (Nicole, n.d.). However, it can be difficult to know an individual’s uniqueness without talking to him or her. For example, my partner told me that he only likes to speak with others during teamwork. That is the only moment when he knows that talking to his colleagues is important since they have the same objectives. However, during his leisure time, he told me that he likes to walk or visit places and discover new things on his own.
When it comes to me, the primary thing that hinders me from interacting with numerous students is my language accent. I have learned that one of the barriers that hinder effective communication for some college students is language (Armistead & Burke, 2021). Specifically, some students from other cultures find it difficult to understand what I am saying, and I must keep repeating it until they comprehend me. I either talk so fast or slow based on the comments from some of my friends. Nevertheless, the most significant thing is that despite my accent and talking speed, I usually go along with others well. I like how students at UCSB respect others. Professors and other staffs make the experience at school outstanding since they do not discriminate against any person. For example, they allow all students to speak and share their ideas and opinions during lectures. Stu...
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