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Maxwell's Law of Leadership

Essay Instructions:

Please read John C. Maxwell Law of Leadership

Remember that you are not summarizing. Assume your audience consists of your classmates.

Read chapters 8-14. Identify a chapter that is particularly meaningful to you. Explain why the chapter was

meaningful to you, and give 1-2 personal examples that reinforce the ideas presented by John Maxwell.

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Law Thinking
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Law Thinking
By overviewing the Maxwell Laws of Leadership, the Law of Connection is the most impressive in the modern era because it encourages leaders to network extensively with teams and individuals to influence their behavior by developing close associations. I found Chapter 10 as meaningful for effective leadership because the law of communication embraces leaders to touch people's hearts before asking for their hand. Maxwell exceptionally elaborates the ten strategies of building substantial connections with followers by setting a common goal, promoting mutual benefits, building an emotional connection, strengthening skills, and enhancing comfortability. Moreover, motivating followers to share their opinions and thoughts and discuss spiritual matters proactively improves the leader's connection with the team and individual to be relevant and determine their personal goals to create impressive influence (Maxwell, 2007). Some leaders face issues interacting with followers directly as they possess an authoritative style, but influential leaders are initiators to touch people's hearts with their thoughts and acts. Henceforth, outstanding communication between the leader and followers comes from instinct and heart, allowing people to trust and rely on the leader's decision.
Based on the law of connection, the leader interacts with every individual in a team by maintaining a direct relationship with each member to generate substantial outcomes. Inspiring leaders mostly adopt specific tactics to build strong connections, such as helping followers achieve their goals with the right direction and support to eliminate hindrances with crucial steps. Moreover, leaders ask questions to enhance their understanding and engage them all over the conversation and acknowledge their preferences and choices motiva...
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