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Final exam for American government paper. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:


Please address the following questions in short paragraph. there are 4 questions can you put 2 of them per paper.

1. The US Supreme Court has tackled a wide range of cases that have ultimately guided a lot of public policy regarding human rights on a federal scale in both positive and negative ways, such as Roe v. Wade on one hand or Dred Scott on the other. Not necessarily referencing any one particular case, overall do you think the Court has had a more positive or negative impact on American law? Why?

2. The dual nature of the political incumbent was something we touched on, and while in theory there are definitely strong cases to be made for either side, is there a particular real-life political example that you feel strongly could be used to bolster the claim of either side? What is it, and why?

3. Do you think that the United States could have survived without the Constitution, only relying on the Articles of Confederation? After all, it set the model for a federalized government with central authority that then radiates outwards, rather than a loose literal confederation of territories, and this is a model that much of modern government is built around. Explain your answer briefly.

4. The final word when it comes to American Government that we should be taking away from this class is "complex." The nature of how American government and its politics works is complex in how multiple things are always going on and not necessarily in synch. Of the various elements that we've covered (i.e. Congress, public policy, the Presidency, etc), which do you think is the most efficient? What about the least? Explain your answer.

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American Government
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1 Yes. The court has had a more negative impact on American law and has also created a bad jurisprudence over the past years. For example, in the case of Roe v. Wade, no one predicted in 1973, the controversial ruling that was America's most radical judicial past. The Supreme Court has defined abortion as a basic human right in the United States. Effectively, the human person in the womb has been robbed of the security of the law at any point of his or her life.
The U.S. received the world's most radical abortion legislation, or rather non-law. The operation was carried out without excuse and precedent in a document of the Constitution of the United States. The judge's actions simply meant that they couldn't decide when life starts. On the other hand, the ruling of 1857 declared that Black people should not be accepted as U.S. residents, whether slaves or not and has impacted racial discrimination in the United States up to date. The black minority feels that their humanity has been deprived as a result of the ruling.
2. The case of the current President of the United States, Donald Trump, and President-Elect Joe – Biden. Mr. Trump spent the day attempting to undermine the election on the grounds of fabricated fraud allegations, seeking either to cling on to control or to justify the defeat. He could see a slim road to re-election among states still counting, but he made it plain that if he lost, he would not shrink from the stage.
At least he has fewer than 40 days remaining in office to exercise his influence; however, he sees fit and to take vengeance on any of his supposed opponents. Angry at his loss, many senior U.S. government officials have been sacked for lack of loyalty amidst the Corona Virus Pandemic.
1 I think the United States could not have survived without the constitution. By relying on articles of the federation, for instance, the national government would not be able to collect taxes from the citizens directly; therefore, the national government would not be able to fund its development projects. Under the ...
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