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Affordable Care Act: Forgotten Pros, Issue and Resistance

Essay Instructions:

Opinion-Editorial (Op-Ed) on a Current Healthcare Issue (Objectives 1, 3) For this paper, you will write a brief opinion piece (2½-3 pages double-spaced), either advocating or opposing a current healthcare issue, of the type that would appear on the editorial page of a major newspaper like the New York Times, Washington Post, or Wall Street Journal. Your opinion piece may either advocate for the issue or explain why it is unwise. This is still a school assignment so APA formatting and references are required. Proposed Structure I. Lead with an Objective Explanation of the Issue/Controversy. Choose a current issue. For your editorial to be good, it will have to address an issue or topic that is on the public mind as at the time it gets into print. Look to news services for the hot topics. • Include the five W's and the H (who, what, where, when and how). “Members of Congress, in effort to reduce the budget, are looking to cut funding from Medicaid for pre-natal care. Hearings were held …” • Start out with a thesis. It doesn't have to be stated up front, but your thesis is the foundation for your editorial. The thesis represents a clear stance you are taking on a particular subject. II. Present Your Opposition First. As the writer you disagree with these viewpoints. Identify the people specifically who oppose you. (Republicans feel that these cuts are necessary; other cable stations can pick them; only the rich watch public television.) • Give a strong position of the opposition. You gain nothing in refuting a weak position. • Include reasons why the issue needs to be dealt with or changed. This is generally the basis of an op-ed piece. It is not an analysis or discussion, but rather concrete ideas about why what's happening is wrong and what needs to be done about it. III. Directly Refute The Opposition's Beliefs. Show your reader why the subject is worth caring about. Demonstrate with examples and statistics that support the point you're making. Each paragraph should include some piece of information that shows the reader why the subject is important. • Pull in other facts and quotations from people who support your position. • Concede a valid point of the opposition which will make you appear rational, one who has considered all the options (fiscal times are tough, and we can cut some of the funding for the arts; however,…). • In defense of your position, give reasons from strong to strongest order. (Taking money away from public television is robbing children of their education …) IV. Conclude With Some Punch. Give solutions to the problem or challenge the reader to be informed. (Congress should look to where real wastes exist — perhaps in defense and entitlements — to find ways to save money. Digging into public television's pocket hurts us all.) • A rhetorical question can be an effective concluder as well (If the government doesn't defend the interests of children, who will?) • Summarize your opinion and argument in the last paragraph. This paragraph should leave readers with a full understanding of everything that was discussed. • Format your op-ed piece. You should also use the active voice whenever possible, and avoid all technical jargon that readers are not likely to understand. • Sources: You must cite at least two different sources for this paper.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Affordable Care Act: The Forgotten Pros
The issue and resistance behind it
Recently, politicians and the media have been abuzz with all criticism and skepticism about the Affordable Care Act. The plan seeks to reduce medical costs and increase access to health services for the public while at the same time curbing unnecessary charges imposed on the public by the insurers. Many have cited several disadvantages that the plan brings such as increased insurance premium, high taxes, and added burden on businesses due to health benefits on employees. Other experts have argued that the lifeline of the medical care plan rests on the November 2016 polls (Battistella, 2010). In fact, Donald Trump, the newly elected U.S. president promised to scrap the medical plan once elected to office (Ballotpedia, 2016). These and many other critics have painted the care plan expensive and unsustainable.
What they never told us
Despite the politicians and media rankled by the cons adorned by the Obamacare, we can realize many positive sides in it. Since its enactment in 2010 and subsequent enforcement in 2014, the ACA has introduced new Medical plans, new health care service models, and offered access to health insurance by patients lacking insurance (Schulsinger, 2015). Young adults may also enjoy their parents’ medical cover until they are 26 years, and may continue enjoying medical benefits in case they contract kidney stones. Due to the affordable health insurance plan, more than 16 million Americans got the ACA cover (Roland, 2015). Insurance companies are restricted to spending up to 80% of their insurance premiums and required not to increase rates exorbitantly. Therefore, the uninsured and people with pre-existing medical conditions can now receive insurance cover: something that was difficult before ACA (Roland, 2015).
Similarly, the ACA has removed the limited cover insurance companies used to make...
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