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Future Trends: Political and Climatological Environments

Essay Instructions:

Based on what this course and your own experience have taught you about emerging trends affecting economic, political, or climatological environments, write a 700-word essay that describes in some detail what you believe the future will bring: specifically, you should write about why you believe those future events will occur and how they will affect your career as well as your personal and family lifestyle. Cite at least three different sources in your essay. Do not use science fiction films, games, TV shows, or cartoons as your sources of information.
P.S. I work in banking and the teacher knows this information.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Future Trends
There will be emerging trends that will act as the spotlight to the future, but technology, in particular, will lead the way. The present is termed as the information age for a reason. For the past two decades or so, technological invention and innovation have continued taking over much of what was done manually. Virtually every facet of our lives right now is being influenced by technology in one way or the other. Living in this digital information age has its impacts on the economic, social and political aspects of each person's life. It goes as far as affecting the essential fabric of family and lifestyle choices. When looking at the American setup, for example, technology is continuing to have massive impacts on virtually everything.
There is some form of revolution, with companies engaging in an intense competition to come up with the latest technological innovations that would place them ahead of the others in the market. Presently, construction, healthcare, and any other field, is being taken over by technology. Slowly by slowly, humanity is getting more and more addicted and dependent on technology. With the accepted reality that technology is increasingly part and parcel of us, it is important to have some foresight as to what it will bring about in future. This will help us be prepared for the changes it will bring, about our lifestyles and family.
When it comes to the trends in the environment, the future will most likely see rapid changes to suit the ecosystem. According to Goudarzi (2007), there will be an additional 2 billion people on the face of the planet by the year 2025. Such a staggering statistic is a grim pointer to the strain that would be experienced on the available natural resources. She goes ahead and states that the future will mean that oil will have to be extracted out of anything carrying carbon. Through technology, this is possible, as thermo-depolymerization will help transform these carbon compounds into oil, under pressure.
There will also be better ways of producing clean energy which won’t have adverse impacts on the environment. For example, technology will enable the harnessing of solar energy. There will be more sophisticated equipment that will be used to collect and transform the energy. Hydrogen as a source of fuel will also be more utilized since it is environmentally friendly. There will be more focus on designing of turbines that will use waves and tides to translate mechanical energy into electrical. People will most likely be more environmentally aware, and hence practice conservation measures to protect their local envir...
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