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Advertisers in Today’s Turbulent Business Arena

Essay Instructions:

Write a Reflection on "Advertising and the End of the World." Choose 1-2 quotations or a paragraph from the reading to comment on. If you choose a paragraph don't quote the whole paragraph, just summarize what it says in 2-3 sentences, then write your reflection.
REMEMBER: Reflection writing is personal; you don't need to summarize the reading or use citations, just reflect on what the quotation brings to mind for you.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reflection: Advertising and the End of the World
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Reflection: Advertising and the End of the World
Cutthroat competition in today’s business environment compels businesses to do more than just produce great products; advertisement is needed besides other organizational efforts to satisfy consumer needs and preferences. Jhally (1997) explains that “the function of the advertising industry [is] to recruit the best creative talent of the society, and to create a culture in which desire and identity would be fused with commodities” (par 4). To benefit maximally from advertising, the author further suggests that a firm should focus less on whether an ad generates sales volume, but to ensure that it answers“the question of values” (par. 11). Jhally’s assertions have deep implications for advertisers in today’s turbulent businessarena.
Business and culture are intertwined; the degree to which a...
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