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Addressing an Issue Regarding Gun Violence

Essay Instructions:

Summary of assignment         


  • Task:  You will complete the following:
    • Identify the decision-maker or group of decision-makers to whom you will write this memo.
    • Consider the secondary research you conducted on your topic for writing assignment #2 and what additional secondary research you will need.
    • Write a proposal memo to your decision-maker asking for permission to write a report based upon your research.


  • Length: 700-1000 words
  • Format:  A template for the memo is provided on page 2.


How This Assignment Informs Writing     Assignment #4    


This proposal memo is a preliminary step you take prior to writing your final paper, which is the research-based report (writing assignment #4).   Your final paper in WRTG 394 will be a report in which you:

  • define a problem in your workplace or community persuasively and accurately.
  • propose a solution or solutions to the problem or issue.


As part of defining the problem and proposing a solution, you must conduct additional secondary research to that which you conducted for your synthesis literature review. 

In Writing Assignment #3, the proposal to conduct research, you are persuading a decision-maker or group of decisionmakers to authorize you to begin conducting this research that will end up in your final report

The main purposes of the research proposal memo are to accomplish the following:

  • Demonstrate that the problem you’ve identified for Project #4 is significant enough to warrant investigation.
  • Present a feasible plan or blueprint for your research.
  • Set forth potential benefits to the organization or community from the research that justify the use of time and resources.


Template for Submitting Your Memo


Note: Please use the format outlined below, including the headers provided in bold, for the memo.



Essay Sample Content Preview:

Memo to decision Maker
Student’s Name
Institution Affiliation
Memo to decision Maker
To: Lenny Curry, Mayor in Florida
Date: 19.06.2021
Subject: Request to Conduct Research on gun violence in my community and possible effective solutions that needs consideration
I have written this to request an opportunity to implement a research investigation about how gun violence in our community has continued to become rampant and causing unnecessary losses among the community members, which has contributed to an increased agony within the members of the community and the security.
Gun violence has been a factor that needs to get addressed in the community. The possession of illegal firearms has significantly contributed to the issue of gun violence in the community. The local government needs to accordingly address the issue of gun violence that has left many members of the communities in pain for losing their loved ones and properties. Illegal firearm possession has motivated criminals to engage in violent crimes that are unacceptable in the community. The challenge is that there any crime can happen at any time without the knowledge of the community members due to low-security levels. The findings will assist the mayor in the society to establish and make informed decisions on the proposed solutions resulting from the issue of gun violence among the community members. It is essential to know the community members' views, attitudes, and concerns regarding the current violent crimes including robbery and murder that exist due to illegal gun possession in the community since it facilitates helping the community to capture critical strategies on how to ensure the crimes get minimized and prevented from affecting the community’s peace (Milam et al., 2018). The community members that are suffering the most include the children whom some of them have been left as orphans as a result of gun violence. The victims of gun violence in the community have undergone psychological stress that has led to stress and depression. The depressed individuals due to the effects of gun violence tend to have suicidal thoughts that have raised more concerns about the welfare of society.
Secondary Research Supporting this Research
The explored crime that involves robbery and murder in the community affirms the need to conduct this research. The scholarly research illustrated is due to the challenges that the society members undergo due to crimes that have been rampant in the community...
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