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A Cinderella Story: A Girl That Was Oppressed by Her Stepmother

Essay Instructions:

Write an essay in which you analyze the role that setting and character play in driving the plot events in a fiction story from the readings. Poetry or nonfiction will not work for this assignment. The essay should contain an introduction, body, and conclusion, be 1-2 pages in length, typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font, size 12. Please save your essay as a Word document and submit as an attachment to be graded.

• Choose a story with elements that are clearly or strongly related. For example, you might choose a story with a plot in which the setting is crucial.

• Briefly summarize the story, describing the setting(s) and the major characters.

• Analyze the ways in which setting is essential to the plot of the story. For example, in an adventure story the plot events might hinge on severe weather conditions, high altitude, or heavy snowfall.

• Analyze the ways in which the main characters are crucial to the arc of the story. For example, a reckless climber might take a risk that becomes an inciting event that drives the entire story’s action.

• In your conclusion, summarize how the author’s choices in creating and developing characters and establishing setting impact the sequence of events in the story.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

A Cinderella Story

A Cinderella Story
The Cinderella Story is a fictional story of a girl that was oppressed by her stepmother. She had two stepsisters who like their mother enjoyed making life difficult for their stepsister, Cinderella. The three of them were lazy, mean, and nasty while Cinderella in contrast was hardworking, kind, and cheerful. The prince of their land was in search for a wife and thereby invited the girls of his kingdom to a party in order to choose a wife amongst them. The stepmother and sisters left Cinderella at home to attend to the house chores (Walt Disney, 2005). However, the fairy godmother gave her an opportunity to attend the party on the condition that she leaves the party by midnight. At midnight, she left the palace hurriedly and left behind one shoe. The prince used the shoe to locate her. They married and lived happily ever after.
The characters are crucial to the plot of the story. The stepmother and stepsisters are crucial in the creation of scenarios where Cinderella goes through hardships. Due to their mean nature, they treat Cinderella badly and tell her not to attend the party at the palace (Walt Disney, 2005). This creates an opportunity for the fairy godmother to intervene. Cinderella’...
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