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Trade Encounters in Africa and Asia During the European 'Age of Discovery

Essay Instructions:


Read the article and write a complete, 600-word summary of the article, making sure to identify the specific argument the author is making.

Use APA style, Times New Roman 12 pt font.

Use this for your paper heading:

Wolff, R. S. (1998). Da Gama's Blundering: Trade Encounters in Africa and Asia during the European 'Age of Discovery,' 1450-1520. The History Teacher, 31(3), 297–318. http://doi(dot)org/10.2307/494876

Please answer the following five questions, and write a one paragraph answer to each question (see attachment):

 When you look at a website on the internet, what steps do you go through to determine what the primary purpose of the site is? What do you look for? How can you tell if a website is a reliable source on that topic?

 If you were going to begin a database search on the topic of the relationship between individualism and the portrait genre, what search terms would you use? What are the most significant terms here—the ones you could NOT leave out? If you searched “individualism” would this be sufficient? When you are using a source, do you need to cite the source if you put the information into your own words? Define and explain plagiarism, and discuss the correct way to use information from a secondary source. Describe the process you went through to locate and choose the article you used in Part 2 above. Find a book on any aspect of Native American creation myths, and explain how you would order that book from the library to come to your home.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Wolff, R. S. (1998). Da Gama's Blundering: Trade Encounters in Africa and Asia during the European 'Age of Discovery,' 1450-1520. The History Teacher, 31(3), 297–318.  HYPERLINK "http://doi.org/10.2307/494876" http://doi.org/10.2307/494876
This article was accessed in the library through the library catalog on the library home page as everything in the library is listed. The library book requesting service would deliver the books home. The National University Library has a link to place book request from its collection or from another library for individuals residing in continental United States (National University Library System, 2015).
In this, article the author discusses various issues regarding the trade encounters in Africa and Asia during the age of discovery. During this period, numerous trade movements occurred across different continents. Besides there were numerous trade adventures were tradesmen adventured new world to look for items of trade. They were concerned with the growing populations and the need to satisfy these growing markets. In this article, the author analyzed Vasco da Gama journey across different continents. The author analyzed different items of trade that were behind the success of Vasco d agama missions.
The author compares Vasco da Gama missions to other missions of like those of other European countries. The author also focuses on the conquering missions of these European traders and explorers like Vasco da Gama. The author argues that the Portuguese like Vasco da Gama had three missions in their explorations and trade missions. One of the missions was to pay the local authorities in their respective areas of explorations to permit them to engage in trading activities. Besides the Portuguese also ensured that they had their own fortified territories to safeguard their items of trade.
The author starts with the analysis of exploration miss...
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