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The Will to Believe Method: William James Thinking

Essay Instructions:

The Will to Believe?
Context: William James argues that if we are faced with an important decision and if that decision involves two options and if science gives us evidence in favor of and in opposition to both options, then we should make a choice based on passion (emotion). For William James choosing to believe or not to believe in the existence of God is just such a decision; for his part, he chooses belief, not based on reason, but based on passion. When should passion overrule reason and vice versa?
Recently, there has been a great deal of discussion about vaccinations in the United States (and Colorado) and the basis on which people refuse to have their children vaccinated; can we apply James’ analytical tools to cases such as these?
Description: Craft a post (500-750 words) in which you apply James’ method of analysis to a problem of your own choosing (you may choose the topic of vaccinations, or another topic). In your posting, be sure to carefully explain James’ method, to thoughtfully apply that method to the problem you have selected (and this includes doing research and reading into the problem), and to offer your own decision, with justification, about what you would choose. 
Delivery: Post your response to the forum, and reply to at least one of your classmates. In your reply please make thoughtful suggestions for improving the summary of James’ method, the application of that method to the problem selected, other perspectives on the problem, and the extent to which you found your classmate’s justification for her/his choice persuasive. Due dates will be provided by the facilitator, the point value is located in the Gradebook.
Assessment: The Discussion Rubric will be used to assess this activity.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Will to Believe Method
The Will to Believe Method
William James is seen by many people as one of the most insightful and inspiring philosophers of all time. According to James, wherever evidence is inadequate, but we must in any case make a choice, it is authorized and indeed unavoidable to make a decision based on our passion and our desires. James also notes that failing to make a decision is in itself a decision and a demonstration of our character and desire. By making this assertion, James was not merely stating that one was allowed to believe whatever he wanted but he rather stating that we are not supposed to make decisions where third parties are involved (Brown, 2010). Although James statement was meant to act as guidance on whether people should believe in God, the argument can perfectly be applied when it comes to assessing the impact of human activities on global warming.
Over the years, there has been a raging debate on whether people should take certain steps to deal with global warming. On one side of this debate is a group of scientists who claim that there is sufficient evidence to prove that global warming is a threat to human existence while on the other side other individuals state that this assertion is nothing but a fallacy. While the evidence presented on the dangers of global warming on the earth has been overwhelming, the evidence, at least according to some scientists has been inconclusive (Burroughs, 2007).
Those tasked with assessing the contribution of human activities to global warming fall into two main camps. The majority regard its impact is already a proven fact while the minority term the evidence as inadequate and its reality will only be ascertained once a far more sustained warmed has been recorded. Over the last five decades, there has been consistent research show...
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