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Research and Explore Benefits of Cultural Intelligence

Essay Instructions:

write a paper on how cultural intelligence is beneficial in understanding various cultures and the ability to use these skills in a work environment.

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Benefits of Cultural Intelligence
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Benefits of Cultural Intelligence
Cultural intelligence is defined as an ability of a person to perform efficiently in conditions and situations that are categorized by cultural diversity. It is also the ability to interpret ambiguous and unfamiliar gestures in a way similar to a fellow citizen. Cultural diversity is crucial as it affects various sectors across the human race about how we perceive different situations either in the work environment or in home situations. Cultural intelligence is divided into three categories and incorporates the cognitive, physical and the emotional approach. The cognitive approach involves learning foreign taboos, beliefs and customs, and integrating them into the daily routine during interactions with people from the different cultures. The physical approach involves the demeanor and actions that disarm foreign visitors, guests and colleagues to show them that one comprehends their culture. Below are the various benefits of cultural intelligence across different environments ( Livermore, 2010).
It is a common belief that organizations that invest in communication stay ahead of their competitors at all times. Good communication involves learning good cultural intelligence practices and practicing them to make people from different cultures at ease. Having the correct cultural intelligence provides the right form of motivation. The precise motivation improves the job performance of an individual. It also provides an individual with the appropriate confidence and interest in an environment with diverse cultural settings. People with high cultural intelligence quotient have the advantage of dynamically addressing cultural challenges when serving different customers either from home and abroad (Thomas & Inkson, 2009).
Cultural intelligence helps in acquiring superior, cross- cultural adjustments. It helps people easily adapt to other people’s culture with ease. The emphasis on cultural intelligence is not to understand all the cultures in the world, but to at least expose the individual to a wi...
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