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Discussion Paper: Why We All Need to Practice Emotional First Aid

Essay Instructions:

Watch Guy Winch’s TED Talk on “Why We All Need to Practice Emotional First Aid”

(a) How do you see the contents of this talk fitting in with how we have defined “health” in this course? (1 point)

(b) Do you agree that we tend to take better care of our physical health than our emotional health? Why or why not? (2 points)

(c) Throughout the talk, Dr. Winch refers to all of the following elements: loneliness, failure, stopping emotional bleeding, rejection, protecting self-esteem, and rumination. Choose 1 of these - discuss in your own words what Winch said, and provide your reaction. (2 points)

(d) Do you see this idea of “emotional first aid” as different from clinical treatment provided by professionals? If no, why not? If yes, what differences do you see? (2 points)

Read Kanoy’s article, “Emotional Intelligence Learning: What Research Teaches Us Preview the document".

(a) The paper cites numerous studies that show the relationship between emotional intelligence and student outcomes. List and describe at least 3 of these outcomes and their relationship to emotional intelligence. (3 points)

(b) Research suggests that emotional intelligence can be learned, and suggests that colleges teach emotional intelligence. How specifically could colleges develop these types of skills in their students? (3 points)

(c) Briefly describe a school-related situation where you had to use emotional intelligence (rather than book learning) in order to address a problem or to succeed. What skills did you need to use? (3 points)

Finally, complete “The Quick Emotional Intelligence Self-AssessmentPreview document” (first 2 pages).

(a) Comment on your results. You do not have to share your results, but rather your reactions to them. Were your areas of strengths and those that might need developing what you expected or not? What did you think about the questions? (2 points)

(b) Daniel Goleman, a prominent emotional intelligence researcher and psychologist wrote that these types of quizzes can be rough checklists, but “we are not always the best judge of our own strengths and limits.” Assuming that’s true, how might we get a more accurate picture of ourselves? Would someone who knows you well respond to the quiz the same way that you did? (2 points)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Discussion Paper Author Name Institution Affiliation After watching this video, I have found that Guy Winch encourages everyone to take emotional health seriously. For some people, health is all about physical fitness, but Guy Winch thinks that mental health is as essential as is physical health, and this is how his discussion fits with the definition of health in our course. I agree with Guy Winch’s opinion that we pay more attention to our physical health than our emotional or mental health. This is because some people, especially those who work in offices, frequently go to the gym to stay fit physically, but when it comes to mental health or emotional health, they neither take proper sleep nor have a work-life balance. Most of them spend hours in their offices and put too much burden on their brain by undertaking multiple tasks at a time. Eventually, such individuals develop stress, depression, and anxiety-like complications. According to Dr. Guy Winch, all of us should practice emotional hygiene, which would be possible only if we take things positively and face challenges with courage. I think that people have started paying more attention to their physical health and beauty than their mental or emotional health, which is a matter of great concern. The only way to actually live a perfect life is to avoid negativity and to concentrate on both physical and mental health. For instance, failure at the office or in exams can cause a lack of confidence and feelings of restlessness among people. However, we should take such failures seriously and must move on until success knocks our door. In the clinical treatment provided by medical experts, more attention is paid to using medications or medical equipment to cure the illness, even if it is a psychological problem like depression. In contrast, Guy Winch stresses practicing emotional hygiene and changing the lifestyle by the whole, and these concepts have nothing to do with what medical experts prescribe or suggest. The first outcome is that self-awareness is very important for students in order to achieve academic goals. The second outcome is that students should learn how to manage time and must be familiar with the ways of creating a balance between their academic a...
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