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American Overweight Problem in Relation to Nutrition

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American Overweight Problem in Relation to Nutrition
Dietary intake of vegetables, plant-based proteins and fats, fruits and other green has been associated with a healthy lifestyle that reduces risks of diseases related to poor feeding habits. The general well-being and health of an individual can easily be maintained by regular exercises or physical activities and most importantly good nutrition. These two can greatly decrease the risk of getting into serious health problems, for example, high blood pressure, heart diseases, obesity, high cholesterol, and some other cases even cancers. It is paramount to maintain a healthy diet and regular exercise for a healthy weight, similarly maintaining and achieving a healthy weight is paramount to having a good health condition. There is a close relationship between diet and body weight based on health status. In America, the problem of nutrition just like in other regions of the world has persisted. It was once declared a national problem that the region has landed into obesity and overweight issues, especially among the young people. Most Americans are not physically active and they do not have a healthful diet to a level that is required to maintain the healthy status advocated for by nutritionist. As a result of the above behavior, America has had a rapid increase in obesity. This paper is going to look at American overweight problem based on food nutrition, other factors leading to this problem and give a recommendation.
Nutrition and Weight Status, Definition and Facts
Body and diet are factors that relate to the health status of an individual. It is observed that good nutrition is a basic factor to growth and development, and a healthy diet will help individuals reduce the threat of health conditions such as obesity and overweight, heart diseases, constipation, malnutrition, poor lipid profiles, oral diseases, iron deficiency anaemia, type 2 diabetes and some cancers. One who is at a healthy weight is less likely to develop the following: chronic diseases, pressure and dyslipidemia, cancers, type 2 diabetes, die at an early age, or complications during pregnancy.
In this case, Diet comprises of the variety of beverages and foods that are consumed by individuals over time in various settings such as schools, hospitals, homes, restaurants and worksites. Social determinants of diet in the society can be demographically characterized into those with a more healthful diet and eating habits, however, in general, Americans need more than demographical divisions to study their diet. Some of the social factors affecting diet and nutrition include skills, food assistance programs, societal and cultural norms, knowledge and attitudes, economic price systems and food and agricultural policies.
Overweight and obesity, in this case, will be in terms of an individual whose body weight is far much higher than what the medical practitioners recommend or refer to as normal weight that is based to height. Statistically, the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey concluded that out of 3 adults 1 of them is overweight, in 13 individuals 1 of them has extreme obesity and in 6 children 1 age 6-19 of them have obesity. Body mass index is the tool commonly used to estimate obesity and overweight both in children and adults.
It is considered a long-term challenge to reach and stay at a healthy weight in America especially if one is already overweight or obese. According to the survey, black adults out of 100 about 48 are considered overweight. In the Hispanic community in the adult segment out of 100, 42 are considered to have obesity and among the white community in a 100 of the 36 are considered to be overweight.
Causes of Overweight and Obesity.
It has proved to be a challenge for doctors to exactly declare what is causing an individual to accumulate excess fat. However, there are those factors that most nutritionists and health practitioners seem to states as the main causes of overweight and obesity problems. In just less than 40 years obesity prevalence in the U.S has grown to more than 50 % this indicates a new rate for the modern society. Trying to understand obesity is a challenge and it is still work in progress.
There are several factors that are said to contrite to this catastrophe, in America the most common include: physical inactivity, eating habits, sleeping habits, medical conditions, locations or where people live, screen time and phone and the ability to access healthy foods. Although the problem is rooted deeper the above are the main contributors. Thus, many factors are said to be the root of overweight individuals. Taking in more calories from everyday beverages and foods than the body is using them can cause the body to store excess unnecessary fats or calories. Thus over time when one continues to consume more calories than they are being used, there is a possibility of gaining weight. Excessive weight will eventually lead to obesity condition.
Reasons why Americans are Obese
Nutritionist classifies individuals as either obese, overweight, healthy weight or underweight. The above classifications are done through BMI as explained above. The real reason for driving America into the identified chronic weight problem has not been identified yet. However, there are scientific studies that try to make out this problem but they always end up with conflicting conclusions making the phenomenon more confusing and rises more theories. The most feasible reasons today has been attributed to poor diet and little or no exercise.
The USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) confirms that an Average individual in America had consumed more than 20% calories in the year 2000 than it was in the year 1983; this was because of the boom in the meat sector. At the same time, consumption of fats increased making the situation even worse (Gerbens-Leenes, Nonhebel & Krol, 2010). The World Organization Health (WHO) observed that the above behavior was being fueled by the rise in fast food sales, which was being linked to an increase in body mass index. Americans are known for the consumption of fast food, this is evident from statistic as seen that the fast food industry makes about 11% o...
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