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Life Sciences
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Why Bees are an Important Natural Resource?

Essay Instructions:

Why did you select this current event topic?
Briefly summarize the current event.
Compare what you learned in the textbook readings to the current event article. Make sure you note where the key ideas of the current event followed the textbook and where they deviated from it. Support your discussion with properly cited statements from the text and article.
The paper must follow APA requirements.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Why Bees are an Important Natural Resource
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Why Bees are an Important Natural Resource
Reason for Choosing Event
I chose this current event topic because bees are an essential natural resource that, if not protected, would lead to detrimental effects on the world economy (Wines, 2013). Notably, the rate at which bees are dying is alarming. They may be tiny insects associated with making honey, but they are essential in pollination.
Farmers have registered their disappointments and worries because of the increased death rate of honeybees. The farmers highly depend on honeybees for the pollination of their plants. According to the information provided herein, the most probable reason for the high death rate of honeybees is a mysterious sickness. Despite a lack of convincing evidence about the malady, scientists blame the mixture of pesticides often used in farms for flowering plants. They highlight that pesticides are the most probable reason for the high death rates. The degraded chemicals are dangerous because they form neonicotinoids that persist for weeks or months (Wines, 2013). Therefore, the beekeepers suspect that the worker bees might be carrying the chemicals back to the hives resulting in contamination and death of bees. The Environmental Protection Agency sought to investigate and identify if the pesticides might cause these losses of the natural resource of bees and to the farmers. The probable cause of the deaths is under investigation, as noted in the article.
Comparison of Book and Article about Event
A close examination of the insights presented in the book and the article reveals that environmental science is interdisciplinary. As noted from the book, scientists note that the earth's natural system functions are interrelated. Whenever the natural systems are affected, people are affected as well. Therefore, scientists and humans seek to formulate solutions to problems that affect the functioning of the natural systems. Similarly, the article provides insights into the high death rates of honeybees. Since honeybees are useful in pollination, EPA and other scientists are in the process of identifying the p...
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