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A Country of Cities and the Planner's Triangle Planning Visions Related to Sustainability

Essay Instructions:

In a 3 page paper (12-point font double-spaced) discuss the two planning visions presented in the Godschalk and Campbell readings by addressing the following questions:
• What are the two planning visions?
o How do they contrast with or complement each other?
o What is the nature of each of the conflicts that they identify?
• Which three of these conflicts do you feel are most inherently difficult to resolve and why?
• How might planners help resolve these three conflicts both in terms of how the planning process works and the role they can play as participants in that process?
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Urban Planning Visions Related to Sustainability
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Urban Planning Visions Related to Sustainability
Planning Visions
In urban planning, various scholars have come up with unique planning visions. Godschalk (2004) supports adopting the 'A Country of Cities' vision. He envisions densely populated American cities characterized by skyscrapers. The skyscrapers will be built in parks and should be accessible by transit. The vision of A Country of Cities will be prosperous because it will be healthy, walkable, and affordable to every American citizen. On the other hand, Campbell (1996) envisions a nation with cities that possess three essential planning priorities, the three related conflicts, and three diverse social and political institutions which will handle the highlighted conflicts. Therefore, this scholar's type of vision is the planner's triangle.
A Country of Cities and the Planner's Triangle have similarities and differences. Primarily, both visions focus on developing America into a nation with cities that offer prosperity, and every city should manage to offer all services that the American population would expect. Therefore, in Godschalk's vision, the cities will have all the essential services provided through careful planning. Sustainable planning will be the crucial component of the A Country of Cities' whereby the planners offer pedestrian walkways, business offices in the built skyscrapers, public spaces for recreational services such as parks, and other essential services (Godschalk, 2004). Similarly, the Planner's Triangle depicts sustainable planning whereby the planners suggest the need for cities that incorporate green practices, growth, and justice. Campbell means that the cities should readily adopt environment-friendly technology in all units, the cities should readily solve specific conflicts in their design through specified social and political institutions (Campbell, 1996). All of these should exist in each city for it to be sustainable.  
One other similarity evident between the Planner's Triangle vision and A Country of Cities' vision is that the cities should support economic development. Godschalk's vision supports profitability by encouraging the construction of skyscrapers within parks to minimize the land used and maximize business activities and transactions (Godschalk, 2004). The skyscrapers will provide space for business offices, restaurants, educational and healthcare facilities, among other essential amenities. Similarly, Campbell's planning vision includes growth and development through the component of growing cities. The growing cities component encourages the adoption of buildings within the American cities that support economic development activities such as retail stores and other businesses. Thus, both planning visions accommodate economic development.
Social justice is the last component evident in the two visions. A Country of Cities ensures that urban planners adopt a system th...
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