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Replace all appliances and light fixtures with Energy Star related ones

Essay Instructions:
Provide an introduction that describes the topic. Specifically: Define the scope of the topic. What are the natural resources involved? How were they created? How are they used and obtained? Briefly indicate the importance of this topic to: You personally American society The global community Section 1: History and Contemporary Viewpoint. Include and build upon your Section 1 submission (Background, Historical Awareness in America, Historical Awareness Globally) from Milestone Two by incorporating instructor feedback and by adding: A synopsis of the historical development of the topic from inception through modern‐day usages, both in American culture as well as the global culture, focusing on the most significant developments and contributors to the topic. A timeline of the most significant developments and contributors (e.g., scientists, activists) to the topic to provide a summary of the most important events and who was involved. Section 2: Local Real‐World Applications and Specific Steps. Include and build upon your Section 2 submission (Opportunities and Hurdles) from Milestone Two by incorporating instructor feedback and by adding: A synopsis of the opportunities for change and the hurdles that you will have to overcome. Outline an action plan of specific steps that you will need to take to make the change happen. All projects should include the following, plus any additional items that are project‐specific: The short‐ and long‐term costs to implement your change (for example, monetary, social, time, effort, etc.) The personnel and/or skills needed and availability (e.g., electrician, local politicians, HOA managers and members, construction crews, yard work) A timeframe (e.g., time necessary for planning stage, implementation stage, most limiting time‐based action items, etc.) Local laws and regulations (e.g., local and state water laws, HOA regulations, organic designation laws, etc.) Section 3: Global Significance, Impact, and Applications. Compare and contrast local (i.e., local to you) versus global application of your chosen topic as well as the global significance and impacts for this type of change locally and globally. Depending on your topic selection, this may include comparisons to both a developed country and a developing country or between two widely differing areas of America. Specifically: Describe two key differences between your chosen comparison communities (i.e., your own and another). They might concern the cost of making a change, skilled personnel needed and availability, or differences in local laws and regulations. For example, in California there may be many local regulations/laws that have to be addressed before you could disconnect your home from city water and sewage to use your own water‐recycling system, whereas in a city in Pakistan there may be no regulatory oversight. Describe two key similarities among your chosen comparison communities (including your own). For example, in both California and Pakistan, finding skilled labor and the right equipment for an in‐home gray water recycling system might be difficult. Conclusion Summarize the use of natural resources and environmental impacts relevant to your selected topic. Describe what skills and resources are required to address this topic. Reflect on how your knowledge of the topic has changed over the course of your research, ensuring that you address instructor feedback. Written components of project must follow these formatting guidelines when applicable: title page, double spacing, 12‐point Times New Roman font, one‐inch margins, and a references page in APA style. The final paper should be cohesive and polished and take into consideration feedback provided by the instructor throughout the term. The paper should be at least 10 and no more than 15 pages, excluding the cover sheet and references page. You must incorporate at least 10 scholarly resources, using two to four resources per section. Proper APA formatting is expected for all elements of the document, including references.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Replace All Appliances And Light Fixtures With Energy Star Related Ones Name: Institutional Affiliation: Course: Date: Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc164464871 \h 2History and Contemporary Viewpoint PAGEREF _Toc164464872 \h 3Energy Star label PAGEREF _Toc164464873 \h 3What was the Energy Star intent PAGEREF _Toc164464874 \h 4What equipment was Energy Star originally designed for and what products Is Energy Star being used today PAGEREF _Toc164464875 \h 5Local Real-World Applications PAGEREF _Toc164464876 \h 6Most common uses today PAGEREF _Toc164464877 \h 6Requirements for Energy Star ratings PAGEREF _Toc164464878 \h 6Why does Energy Star matter PAGEREF _Toc164464879 \h 7Who uses Energy Star PAGEREF _Toc164464880 \h 8Pros & Cons of Energy Star Appliances PAGEREF _Toc164464881 \h 9Global Significance, Impact, and Applications PAGEREF _Toc164464882 \h 9 Economic Effects PAGEREF _Toc164464883 \h 9Sustainability PAGEREF _Toc164464884 \h 9How Energy Star Fights Climate Change PAGEREF _Toc164464885 \h 10LED Lighting PAGEREF _Toc164464886 \h 10Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc164464887 \h 10References PAGEREF _Toc164464888 \h 11 Introduction According to Brown, Webber, & Koomey, (2002), the choice of household appliances and lighting fixtures remains a significant factor in the pursuit of sustainability and environmental responsibility. With increasing energy consumption, greenhouse gas emission, and climate change problems become more prominent problems, demanding a paradigm shift from traditional methods to new energy-efficient solutions that not only reduce utility costs but also increase our environmental footprint. Among those popular resolutions is the integrated use of Energy Star-rated appliances and fixtures. The Energy Star program, which commenced in 1992 as a cooperative initiative between the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Energy (DOE), prioritizes developing energy efficiency and fostering environmental sustainability through labeling of products that demonstrate excellent energy performance (Webber, Brown, & Koomey, 2000). Energy Star rated initially focused on energy efficiency in computers and monitors, but began a series of expansions to incorporate a broad group of appliances that include refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers, air conditioners, and lighting sets. Through the years the program has spread to cover more products and equipment in a wider range including air-conditioners, televisions, and building-wide systems. Fundamental to the Energy Star program, is the aim of promoting energy efficient products and reduction in CO2 emissions through the identification and promotion of energy-efficient products and approaches. By giving consumers an informing label of energy performance, Energy Star enables people to think and decide responsibly on their energy usage. In this paper, we analyze the implications of using Energy Star-approved appliances and light fittings. By exploring energy starts history and contemporary viewpoint, its local real-world applications, and global significance, impact, and applications, we attempt to demonstrate the role of energy efficiency as a defining element contributing to a green and environmentally friendly world. History and Contemporary Viewpoint Energy Star label The energy star program was first developed in the United stated of America in 1992. This came at a time when both environmentalists and business people joined hands and recognized the interconnection between environmental protection and economic growth. At that time, the idea was not significant but over time it was realized that empowered businesses were much more in a position to protect the environment, and partnership with them would prove beneficial in reducing climate change impacts (Brown, Webber, & Koomey, (2002). Over time, Energy Star became a voluntary program through which businesses were encouraged to promote energy efficient production, minimize greenhouses gases, and more importantly reduce energy consumption (energy rates, 2015). Energy Star label has brought together thousands of companies, states, local governments, and utilities and through this partnership, the aim has been to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. As at 2023, EPA energy program expanded and some of its milestones included the acknowledgment of its 25 years of efforts in lighting efficiency through its Light the Moment campaign which involved more than 170 utilities and nearly 60 million households. The ENERGY STAR certification marked over 2.5 million homes and apartments created in the U.S., as well as nearly 45,000 commercial buildings and industrial plants since certification was started in 1992 (Tonn et al., 2013). More so, it had more than 200 EPA partners participate in a campaign called Certification Nation to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the ENERGY STAR program. More importantly, energy star added new product categories including residential electric cooking products, commercial electric cooktops, and downlights, and provided updates for seven categories by theme, including central air conditioners and heat pumps, light commercial HVAC, residential gas water heaters, commercial ovens, dishwashers, and room air conditioners. What was the Energy Star intent According to Energyrates (2015), the earlier goal of the ENERGY STAR program was driven by one primary objective: to allow homebuyers to identify and rank the most energy-efficient construction measures among those available in the market. With greenhouse gases on the rise, the goal was to promote measues that reduce greenhouse gas emission by directly influencing consuers to purchase products supporting energy efficiency and declining products that did not subscribe to the course (Li & Carrión-Flores, 2017). At first, the emphasis was mainly on encouraging the adoption of energy-efficient building materials and technologies. But over time, standard construction techniques changed and the the scope of the program was also expanded to incorporate various energy-efficient devices and products. This is why for about 30 years now, majority of the products carrying the ENERGY STAR label are proudly embraced by consumers as they are seen as symbols of eco-friendly practices and green consciousness. This designation is particularly remarkable because household appliances have a significant effect on energy consumption in domestic residences. Simply, the Energy STAR program stands out as an ideal approach towards improving sustainability and conservation of energy. The program aims to not only maximize the energy efficiency of individual households but also generate societal and environmental objectives by providing household education, market transformation, and technological innovation (Adoption of ENERGY STAR Equipment varies among Appliances – U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), n.d.). What equipment was Energy Star originally designed for and what products Is Energy Star being used today Computers and monitors were the first labelled products in 1992 by EPA as the first move to help consumers identity and promote energy-efficient products. In the first energy labelling the goal was to show consumers that some computer products were energy efficient than others because they consumed 20-30...
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