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CBRN Assignment: Proposed Terrorist Attack Scenario

Essay Instructions:

Select ONE of the CBRN categories, then pick ONE particular agent from that category and based on our readings this term, place yourself in the role of a terrorist and offer your perspective of how a terrorist event could be conducted in your hometown, then provide your perspective on how to prevent such an attack and support your work by a variety of academic material to give your opinion more validity.
Your essay should approximately 5 pages. You will need to have a cover page or the reference page; however, they are NOT included in the page count for your essay. All references should be cited using APA format. Be sure to make a clear thesis statement and argument and use examples to support your analysis. Papers should be double spaced.
No abstract is required.
Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources. It is highly advised to utilize: books, peer reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc. (may be electronic of course and the Turabian manual lists all the types of possible resources and reference formats, hint

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Terrorism is a tool of fear for hate mongers. This is one of the most effective weapons for the terrorists. This is because fear and hatred created by the terrorists create the most needed influence by most terrorists groups to get the attention of the media. However, the dangers of Radiological Dispersal Devices (RDDs) remain the least understated dangers in the country just behind agro-terrorism. Additionally, a Radiological Dispersal Device combines conventional explosive device, for example, a bomb with some radioactive materials (Evans-Nguyen et al., 2013). An RDD is devised to scatter sub-lethal and dangerous quantity of radioactive substance over a generally large area.
However, the prospects of this kind of bombs seem terrifying. Similarly, for anyone who knows the basic science of radiation biology, they are aware that this cannot cause so much health damage. Such is because the affected people are exposed to a very low dose of radioactivity. Additionally, based on researcher’s argument which is orchestrated by the 65-year lifespan of study on the willing survivors of the Japanese atomic bomb blasts, it is factual that even with extremely high doses, the ionizing radiation merely elevates the mortality rate for life lifetime cancer in with an insignificant margin. In this case, only two-thirds of 1% of the survivors who were within a range of three kilometers during the time of the explosion were affected in that manner (Evans-Nguyen et al., 2013). Thus, based on the fear of this weapon, this paper will cover the history as well as the effects of RDD, a scenario of a possible terrorist attack, as well as a counter to the same terrorism scenario.
Commonly known as the “Dirty Bomb,” Radiological Dispersal Device or RDD is deadly device that combines some form o radioactive materials in a bid to disperse the resultant material over a large area (Evans-Nguyen et al., 2013). However, as an actual form of weapon, only a few bombs of this caliber can cause harm with a radiological element because the necessary materials needed to be in extraordinary amounts to cause some form of illness. This is a consensus arrived from the atomic bombing that occurred in Japan where the fatality occurred from the sheer blast as the lethality of this bomb dropped with distance from the areas of the incidents. This point is not known to many within our society. Thus, the RDD can be used in staging attacks in our community.
Proposed Terrorist Attack Scenario
The number incidents of terrorist attacks continue to increase at a very high rate across the globe especially with large human gatherings becoming too common in our towns and cities. With New York City being the most populous city in the country, it is easy to target based on the number of activities expected to take place week-in-week-out. The attack will be discussed and planned at a home office along Tudor City Bay. The planning place ought to be too far for movement reason or too close because it should not attract any attention of other parties. The team of terrorists will include only three members. The main weapon to be used is a bomb.
With my accomplices, we will do a location survey to identify the main target. The target will hold a major public gathering, especially during the late night hours. This is majorly a music concert hall. The incident will take at Radio City Music Hall over the Christmas period half an hour to midnight. The most junior member of the team, who is a lady, will access the Radio City Music Hall premises by applying for a job a month before the Christmas as the management will most likely hire more workers leniently to help in preparation. The lady must be well spoken in English and preferably an American. As the team leader, the leader must have leverage over all the three members. The team will prepare the bomb at the home office to suit the identified target.
The team accomplice at Radio Ci...
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