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Efficient Drug-Eluting Contact Lenses Can Absorb A Hydrophobic Ocular Drug

Essay Instructions:

These paragraphs should summarize the work presented in the paper and should be in the style of a scientific abstract. An abstract is a 1-paragraph summary or synopsis of the main points of an article. Abstracts typically begin with a statement about the problem the research addresses and then include brief descriptions of the methods used, the results/findings, and the main conclusions. Abstracts are usually between 100-500 words and are typically less than 1 page in length. The minimum length for the summaries in this course is 200 words, and the length should not exceed 1.5 pages (double spaced). In addition to summarizing the research, I would like you to add 1-3 sentences in which you evaluate the research. These evaluations may include statements about any flaws you noticed in the research, additional experiments that could or should be performed, or your own insights into the broader impacts of the research.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation
The purpose of this research is to demonstrate how fast and efficient drug-eluting contact lenses can absorb a hydrophobic ocular drug such as latanoprost as an alternative treatment method. Eye diseases are increasingly leading to blindness, with glaucoma, for instance, affecting three point five percent of the population. While treatment relies on eye-drops, it experiences challenges of poor compliance and drug inefficiency, hence the need for an alternative.
The research utilizes quantitative experimental research method whereby, lenses made of silicone hydrogel; latanoprost drug and deionized water determine the quantity of latanoprost present in lenses, by measuring the amount of solution the lenses can absorb and retain after immersing it in the n-propanol concentration of different levels and rinsing it in water. The experiment lasts for one week where samples of four solutions stand in intervals of one, two, and four respectively in a lab (Horne, Judd & Pitt, 2017, pp. 411).
The research showed that the amounts of latanoprost loaded different times, one, two and four minutes respectively, moved proportionally to the drug concentration of one to nine mg/ml and stopped after four minutes (Horne, Judd & Pitt, 2017, pp. 412). The contact lenses absorbed the drug 1.3 times its original size causing it to swell but, when dipped in water, it shrunk back to its concave shape but more significant in volume. The lenses retained 78 percent of latanoprost drug while its release to an eye approximately lasted for four days at 2.9 dosages per day compared to the 1.5 dosages of daily eye drop (Horne, Judd & Pitt, 2017, pp. 413-414).
The research concluded that the silicone hydrogel contact lenses were ideal for loading and delivery of hydrophobic drugs. The latanoprost drug was a favorable hydrophobic drug as its absorption rate...
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