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2 pages/≈550 words
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Paraphrasing & Summary

Essay Instructions:

Please make it 4 paragraph essay.

1. Introduction

2. Children activities in the kindergarden class : classroom activities, play outside, and lunch time in the classroom.

3. Children development for 3 to 4 years old base on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and Erickson's Development.

4. Conclusion

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Child development
Parents and teachers impart positive values to children, but they need to be more proactive in their engagement as children grow up. At the kindergarten level, playing time is one of the important aspects that enhance learning, allowing children to develop other skills while socializing. There is a need to properly arrange the classroom in order to facilitate learning. Integrating storytelling sessions in the classroom also enhances learning by getting the children more attentive, while also encouraging them to think more creatively. This paper will highlight on children activities as well as development theories relevant to understanding changes and milestones to be achieved for developing children.
Children activities
As such, classroom activities for the children provide an opportunity for a teacher to highlight the importance of healthy heating. As such, teachers are well placed to ensure that the social setting to be suitable to the children, with the relaxing environment making it easier for the teacher to hold meaningful conversations with the children. Teachers and parents provide an enabling environment for children to learn, highlighting the need for adequate preparation before schooling. Children are typically active when they are 3 to 4 years old, with playing an important role towards their socialization. At this stage, the children initiated activities while also planning paying activities, and this is an opportunity for them to make decisions. Additionally, playing is important to facilitate learning given that, they learn better if allowed to play joyfully. Teachers can utilize their curriculum to facilitate play and learning, and this approach is beneficial to the child’s development.
Children development for 3 to 4 years
The hierarchy of needs is equally relevant to understanding the child’s development. In meeting the physiologic needs of children, care givers including parents and teachers offer safety and security. Children between 3 to 4 years, need playtime and the Maslow’ hierarchy of needs highlights on the relevance of meeting social needs. Additionally, when child is in a safe environment that is appropriate for learning they are encouraged to learn more skills while adults also reinforce positive discipline. The parents and teachers reinforce positive growth by dealing with deficiencies identified as they use their understanding of the child’s cognitive potential to influence their decisions. Erickson's development is another approach that highlights on childhood development, taking into account changes that occur in a child, with each phase associated with learning skills. The initiative vs. guilt stage covers the preschool age to the early years of schooling for 3 to 6 year old children. At this phase, the child should ideally be encouraged to dev...
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