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Development Biology Concept

Essay Instructions:

The textbook stated that we can easily remember the rules that developmental biologists use to evaluate evidence presented in support of hypotheses using the expression “ find-it-lose it-move it”

Explain what this phrase means giving specific examples.

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Development Biology Concept
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Find it –lose it- move it
Find it-move it-lose it is a development concept used by scientists when undertaking research. The concept is provides useful information through which conclusions are made. It is applied in development of cells and genes pertaining to growth of organisms. As denoted by (Stein et al, 1990), development biology concepts involving pattern of genes, effects of mutating genes and reversing of genes is best identified using the process since it gives understanding of the importance of a certain situation for development of cells in the tissues and eventually the whole body. Then the find it- move it - lose it concept gives analyst the right answer to the problem that they have (Berk & Zipursky, 2000).
Find it is the find-it-lose it-move it first phrase in the concept. Find it in the lay man language concept when a certain component in a system has been found. The researchers try to identify the correlation of the existing component to development of the system. In biology, a particular gene may be identified to be in the eye tissue (Berk & Zipursky, 2000). Researchers may need to question if the existence of that particular gene contributes to the development of tissues in the eye. Thus find it phrase is based on the fact that the particular gene in the question is found in a particular tissue cell. Presence of a particular gene in a cell eye may raise question on development of the eye contribution and the whether it has nay responsibility towards certain specific traits of an eye. A development hypothesis can then be created concerning the particular gene (Stein et al, 1990).
Lose it phrase is the second step in the concept of find it- lose it- move it. The lose it phrase is used by scientists to describe the action taken in a development of tissues and cells study. In this process, the genes or may be genes sequence in a cell located in a tissue for instance an eye. So the genes found in the cell of an eye which questioned if they are responsible for a particular trait may be removed from the eye and then analysis can be done on the whether the spotted genes or sequence is truly responsible for the development of the tissues as it is. If the tissue functions well, then the
Move it phrase is the final step in development of hypothesis among the researchers with interest in development of organisms. “Move it” in the lay man language refers to a situation whereby after finding a component on a system you then decide to move the component to another location to find if the component will function as it was functioning in the first scenario. A gene found in a certain tissue is removed from the tissue and then transferred to another tissue. The expected development is then monitored to check on the status if the cells of the tissue will function normally. The gene and DNA sequence of the cells may also be assumed to be the agents of the development and growth of the cells in the new tissue is useful in conclusion (Stein et al, 1990. A positive growth of the new tissues and when the expected development is achieved, then a conclusion is derive...
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