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Next Generation Sequencing Technologies

Essay Instructions:
This essay is about how using genome sequencing to solve particular problem like treat cancer or other. You can chose a new technology involve genome sequencing and answering these questions :( as subheading ) 1- how the technology works ? 2- how it was applied to solve a particular problem ? 3- what are the strengths AND weaknesses of the new technology relative to one other technology that is currently used to address the same problem ? IMPORTANT : This essay is mainly depend in selecting one peer reviewed scientific publication relevant to the topic . So, you will first chose one peer reviewed journal article then address the topic from this article. AND , please provide me with both order and ( the peer reviewed publication as link or PDF ). * 5 references from 2009 - 20013. There is an example for the topic with both essay and peer reviewed article attached as file , but please do not use it. Also, task description is attached as file. Thanks
Essay Sample Content Preview:
NEXT GENERATION SEQUENCING TECHNOLOGIES Name Institution Affiliation Course Date of Submission Next Generation Technologies Article selected - Pyrosequencing: Principles and Applications 1. How the technology works. Pyrosequencing is sequency by synthesis technology. To begin with hybridization is done to sequencing primer. The primer will then become a single- stranded PCR amplicon which will act as a template. The template will then be incubated with different enzymes which include apyrase, ATP sulfurylase ,DNA polymerase, , luciferase,. Substrates like luciferin and adenosine 5' phosphosulfate (APS) will also be used. The second step involves addition of deoxribonucleotide triphosphate (dNTP) to the reaction at hand. IN the process, there is catalysation of the deoxyribo-nucleotide triphosphate into the DNA strand (Marsh, 2007). This is done by the DNA polymerase enzyme. Note that this only takes p[lace if the two are complementary. In the event that they are complementary, pyrophosphate (PPi) is released. The quantity released is always dependent to the nucleotide that is used. PPi is then coinverted to ATP by ATP sulfurylase enzyme (Rapley et al., 2012). This only happens when adenosine 5' phosphosulfate (APS) is in place. luciferase-catalyzed reaction then occurs when the ATP changes the conversion of luciferase to oxyluciferin. This process lead to the generation of light proportionally to ATP amounts used. Detection of the light is only by the device that is charged. It is visible in the Pyrogram. The nucleotides and ATP are degraded by the apyrase. A new nucleotide is put in when the degradation ends (Fakruddin et al., 2008). The deoxyadenosine triphosphate (dATP) can be substituted by deoxyadenosine alfa-thio triphosphate (dATP·S) in the process. Moreover, the complementary DNA is built up as the entire process is in progress. The signal peaks in the trace of Pyrogram influences the nucleotide sequence. 2. How it is applied to solve a particular problem - This technology can be used in clinical genetic applications. Pyrosequencing technology is used to detec...
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