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Microbial communities associated with soil and the rhizosphere

Essay Instructions:
This essay is about how using Microbial communities associated with soil and the rhizosphere to solve particular problem. You can chose a new technology involve Microbial communities and answering these questions :( as subheading ) 1- how the technology works ? 2- how it was applied to solve a particular problem ? 3- what are the strengths AND weaknesses of the new technology relative to one other technology that is currently used to address the same problem ? IMPORTANT : This essay is mainly depend in selecting one peer reviewed scientific publication relevant to the topic . So, you will first chose one peer reviewed journal article then address the topic from this article. AND , please provide me with both order and ( the peer reviewed publication as link or PDF ). * 5 references from 2009 - 20013. I provide you with the lecture ( file attached ) to have an idea about the topic. Also, task description is attached. Thanks
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Microbial communities associated with soil and the Rhizosphere: Biomass Technology Name: Professor: Course Name: Subject: Date Due: Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1Biomass Technology and how it works PAGEREF _Toc359056806 \h 32How it was applied to solve a particular problem PAGEREF _Toc359056807 \h 43Strengths and Weakness of the technology PAGEREF _Toc359056808 \h 4References PAGEREF _Toc359056809 \h 6 Link: http://ec.europa.eu/research/energy/eu/index_en.cfm?pg=research-bioenergy 1Biomass Technology and how it works With the increase in the use of energy, lack of fossil fuels and pollution of the environment as a result of emissions have resulted in the increased need for biofuels that can be gotten from renewable biomass. Thus the call for the use of technology for agricultural production of high yielding biofuel crops and energy conversion technologies that are vital in ensuring the availability of increased energy. The use of biomass power technologies will be important in ensuring constant supply of energy through switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) and jatropha (Jatropha curcas L.) crops for the production of for bioethanol and biodiesel respectively. Biomass is a renewable energy because the energy comes from the sun and because the biomass grow all over again after a short time period. By the process of photosynthesis, chlorophyll in plants gets he sun's energy through change of carbon dioxide from air and water in the ground to carbohydrates that contains carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Once the carbohydrates are burned down, they turn into carbon dioxide and water giving out the energy they got from the sun. Through this process, biomass acts as a way of natural battery for storing solar energy. With the continued production of biomass, catering for the current needs without cutting down the resources or the land's capacity for regrow biomass and get carbon can happen as the battery can stay for long and act as the source of low carbon energy. 2How it was applied to solve a particular problem Biomass is a renewable source of energy and is seen as a neutral to carbon dioxide. This technology solves several particular problems such as protecti...
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