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The Interdisciplinary Field of Gerontology

Essay Instructions:

This paper requires you to think critically about the interdisciplinary field of gerontology and address a topic presented later in the semester in 6- 8 pages. This is not a research paper, but a chance for you to write spontaneously about what you have learned in the course, topical current events, and how they connect to your own life. The preparation for writing this paper is doing the assigned readings, watching the course lectures and participating conscientiously engaging in your previous assignments. To get maximum points, you must REFLECT what YOU have learned during the semester, and the paper must be consistent with course materials and subject matter. Do not hand in a paper in which you did research from outside class materials, except in the case of current events related to aging topics discussed in class. Addressing current events related to aging in the context of course material and your career is acceptable, while a research-based paper that does not reflect what was taught in this class is not acceptable. This paper leaves much open to you. If you have done the assignments, readings and watched the lectures. . . you will easily be able to write 6 pages.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Reflection on Gerontology
Aging represents life, but it can also mean death. Since then, the thought of aging has never occurred to me. Or perhaps I was simply afraid of confronting reality and my expectations of aging. I assumed that an older person was on the verge of death due to the illnesses accompanying aging. I also believe that as people age, they lose their usefulness due to physical and mental changes. However, I have a great deal of respect and affection for the elderly. I highly regard my grandparents and express my love for them openly. In addition, I empathize with the elderly. When I see older people still working, I feel sorry for them because I believe they should be resting at their age. However, my views on aging have shifted due to my course. I have gained a more emphatic and compassionate perspective.
There are numerous ideas about aging. Others may have been afraid of aging because they associate it with death. On the other hand, people who are curious about the future of aging may exist. The course addressed these and other concerns. I learned in class that aging gracefully and purposefully is essential. It also made me realize that the course is about more than just diseases; it also considers how aging affects people and society. Therefore, in addition to revealing the effects of aging on individuals and society, the course encourages younger people to be more understanding and patient with the elderly. The course fosters interaction between the two generations. Aside from other positive outcomes of the study, understanding the aging population is critical for policymakers. According to U.S. Census Bureau, in 2020, the nation's population of adults aged 65 and above was 16.9% (America’s Health Ranking, 2022). It means that policymakers need to consider this number. It means that policymakers must take this number into account. They should develop beneficial policies and programs for these people. In a nutshell, I have learned about the value of the elderly in society. They must not be viewed as liabilities because they can no longer do certain things or because their bodies are weakening but rather as valuable individuals who must be cared for. They are people who require a great deal of empathy and compassion.
The course’s lessons are all worthwhile. However, one particular topic piqued my interest: the eight domains of a livable community. These domains enable a community to influence the well-being of adults and make a community welcoming to people of all ages. The topic has been fascinating because I have concluded that there must be several factors that contribute to adults’ well-being. These factors are essential in shaping adults and improving their aging experience.
The eight domains of livable communities are divided into two groups: the built environment, which includes housing, outdoor spaces and buildings, transportation, and community and health services; and the social environment, which provides for civic participation and employment, social participation, respect, social inclusion, and communication and information (AARP, n.d.; Cicero, 2022).
As the saying says, “Home is where the heart is.” A home is essential for the elderly. And, in most cases, older adults prefer to remain in their previous residences. The community can help the elderly modify their homes based on income, age, or life stage. The community must consider these factors to ensure the modification is possible. Moreover, these people require a comfortable place to live. As a result, the change will allow them to add features to their home that they desire or elements that may hinder or negatively affect their aging (AARP, n.d.; Cicero, 2022). Therefore, a house that is comfortable to live in is needed by people who are aging. The house will serve as their protection and haven.
Moreover, although the elderly may feel safe at home, it is still necessary for them to spend time outside and participate in various outdoor activities. As a result, the community must provide outdoor spaces for the elderly as well as buildings that are safe and welcoming to the elderly. There could be parks, spots, and other spaces where older people can come. The elderly can use the outdoor areas for recreation, going out and meeting new people with whom they can share their stories. Furthermore, the community’s buildings must have safety railings, ramps, elevators, and other features that make them accessible to the elderly (AARP, n.d.; Cicero, 2022). As a result, accessible outdoor spaces and facilities are essential.
The elderly needs transportation for their daily lives as well. They may take the bus, train, or other modes of transportation, walk, or drive their cars. Whatever method of transport they choose must be accessible and safe for them. For example, if they decide to walk, the community must provide pedestrian lanes to assist them in crossing the streets. There may also be traffic enforcers who can help the elderly cross the street. Now, if they want to drive their car, the community must provide...
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