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In the Kitchen – Preparing a Full Course Meal. Life Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

n the Kitchen!

Describe the preparation of a full course meal. Include details on cooking utensils, food temperatures, etc. that are used and referenced for the meal. Give reasoning to why using these utensils are necessary; and how the utensils can be related to laboratory tools.

Length/Formatting Instructions

Length 300 Words

Font 12 point, Calibri Font

Program/File Type Submit in Word

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Referencing system APA referencing system is necessary in assignments, especially material copied from the Internet.

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In the Kitchen – Preparing a Full Course Meal
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December 2, 2020
A full-course meal is excellent in family gatherings because it offers a variety of food to choose from, ranging from (1) one to (6) course per meal or sometimes even more extensive than that. Preparing a full course meal can sometimes be troublesome, especially when you don’t have experience making one. The following are the steps in preparing an Italian full-course meal that consists of three dishes starting with the appetizer followed by the main course and the dessert.
In the Kitchen
First, start with the full-course meal with an appetizer. Put three tablespoons of butter in a bowl followed by one glove of garlic; mix it well until the butter melts, then set it aside. Next, bring out the Italian bread, then cut it vertically that are approximately 1 inch in thickness. After that, put the sliced bread into a tray with a baking paper on it, get the mixed garlic and butter and brush it on the top of the bread using a pastry brush. Then sprinkle it with Italian seasoning and parmesan cheese and bake it for 15 minutes with a temperature of 350 °F or 180 °C. While the bread is in the oven, put out six tomatoes, cut them into dice, mix it with two cloves of garlic, one tablespoon of salt, ¼-tablespoon of pepper, ¼ cup of basil, and one tablespoon...
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