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How concepts from this class you will take away? Life Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

Have a thesis(complicated): not to twitch your thought lasting several years

Concreted example might change you, problems of adopting this idea(I like this point but there’s problem xxxx, which makes it hard.), concrete evidence of life and concrete evidence of texts, consider actual conditions why you cannot employ the idea, think about concrete thoughts in your life.

For example, think about yourself being a parent: How concepts in this class make your parental style different from your parents idea.

Show complicated of your thoughts.

Cite texts a lot instead make a lot of quotation, It’s okay to quote though. However, don’t make that much.

Do footnotes as a place to put citations but not make a reference paper. The only source of the essay is the two books.

No any other resources than the two books I provided!!!!!!!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Parenting Style
Parenting style has a significant impact in determining the outcome of a child’s behavior and attitudes. The relationship between parent and child can be strong, and guidance provided to them determines how they behave in society. It is the role of the parent to socialize the children to the values and expectations of society and culture. Parenting style influences the child’s mental development, self-esteem, self-efficacy, and self-identity development. There are several parenting styles, but my study will focus on the Authoritarian style. Under this style, I will discuss conformity to rules without questioning, communication, and parental expectation.
Authoritarian Parenting style
My parenting style is authoritarian. In this style, the child is expected to follow unconditionally strict rules set by their parents. Parents have high expectations from their children, and yet they provide very little nurturing and feedback. Any failure to abide by the set rules attracts some form of punishment and an assurance that the same mistakes will not happen again going forward. These types of parents prefer the use of corporal punishment like canning as a correction method. The parent is basically in control, and the child does not have the freedom to question the set rules, and if they do so, they are likely to be punished for that. This restrictive pattern of parenting involves controlling, evaluating the behavior and attitude of the children. The parent’s micro manages almost every aspect of a child’s behavior both at home or in school. The child is expected to behave in a certain way and follows some set of unwritten rules which the parent assumes that the children are miraculously aware of. The parents in this category are always harsh and offer less or no praise and encouragement to their children.
However, interaction with various concepts in class has changed my perception of parenting. Tzu et al., (p. 85) recommends that in a war, a leader has to lead by example and not by force. Even though authoritative parenting is working well, it realistic and sets a good record to raise them by setting a good example. Leading by example starts with basic acts of kindness, patience, and honesty. For instance, when a child sees a parent is rude to other people, he/she may emulate doing the same to other kids or even to adults. Authoritative parenting might work for this scenario, but in the long, the child will resort to what he/she saw the parents doing. A simple act of checking on the neighbors can make a child have a caring attitude. Adolescence age is the most sensitive period in parenting. At this stage, it is better to reason with the child through coaching t...
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