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History of Climate Change

Essay Instructions:

The final assignment for this course is to research the topic of the history of global climate change (warming, cooling or other). Based on your research you will prepare a 5-7 page paper (not counting title page or reference section).
You are free to discuss whatever aspects you select but make sure your sources are scholarly and grounded in research and related directly to course concepts. You should go back in time as far as you can find information. You can discuss the difference between weather and climate, what we know about climate change and how we know it, reliability of information, and observed climate change on other planets. You may want to include a section on how the media covers this issue versus the scientific community, Lots of flexibility here, but focus on history and recent events.

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History of Climate Change
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History of Climate Change
Over the years discussions about the weather, climate, and climate change have attracted attention from environmentalists, the government, and other stakeholders. According to the United Nations, climate change is the sudden shift in temperatures and weather patterns. To understand climate change, one has to distinguish weather from climate. Weather is the atmospheric conditions of a place for a short period while climate describes the average weather condition of a place for a long period. Thus, climate change is the sudden change of temperatures and weather conditions of a place for a given period. Climate change negatively affects human beings as it leads to increased greenhouse gases and changes in weather patterns. This paper will examine the differences between weather and climate and the causes of climate change.
The term climate relates to the general weather of an area throughout time. England, for instance, has a cold and icy winter climate, whereas Southern Florida is warm throughout the year. Environmental change is characterized as a considerable change in typical weather over long periods, such as more generous and wetter. A variety of natural and anthropogenic activities can have an impact on the earth's climate (Change, 2019). Climate change is influenced by various causes, including the brightness of the sun, volcanic, and fluctuations in naturally existing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. On the other hand, data demonstrate that today's modern global warming, which has been accelerating significantly faster than ever before, can indeed be accounted for only by natural reasons (Change, 2019).
According to Pester, the debate about weather and climate existed as early as 1200 B.C. to A.D.323 ( 2021), when ancient Greek argued whether cutting down trees and draining swamps would bring more or less rain to the region. The debate by Ancient Greek remains to be the first ever documented dialogue between climate change and global warming. In 1896, Svante Arrhenius, a Swedish scientist became the first person to imagine how humanity would influence climate change ( Pester,2021). Arrhenius warned the world of the risks involved in increased carbon dioxide gas emissions into the environment. He argued that increased CO2 gas in the air would increase global temperatures and cause other effects such as global warming.
In addition, Arrhenius's prediction on climate change is thought to be accurate as he argued that human activities produce greenhouse gases, methane, and carbon dioxide which are harmful to the environment as they trap radiation from the sun and hold it in the atmosphere which causes the rise in temperature and other greenhouse effects. Also, human activities are attributed to be the major cause of climate change. Emission of CO2 gas, cutting down trees, and pollution are among the major causes of climate change.
Many scientists experimented and debated on Arrhenius’s warnings which led to interventions and actions against climate change. The United Nations saw the need to take action against climate change and described humans to be the root cause of climate change. In the 1970s, scientists accepted the warming effect and in 1972, UN scientists held a conference in Stockholm to adopt the declaration that allows the preservation and enhancement of the human environment and an action plan for environmental action ( United Nation).In the 1990s, scientists clearly defined global warming, and research on climate change increased and expanded.
After thorough analysis, climate change was assessed to be a risk to humanity. Global warming one of the effects of climate change can be defined as the situation in which carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases collect the atmosphere and absorb sunlight and solar radiation which is retained on the earth's surface. Normally, the radiation would evaporate to other layers of the atmosphere but is instead trapped in the earth. This leads to negative effects such as drought, famine, and flooding as a result of the melting of the ice in the polar region.
Global warming interferes with elements of weather such as temperature, precipitation, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind, and clouds. In addition, global warming leads to an increase earth's surface temperatures which results in famine and drought. As evident, global warming ...
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