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Natural Air Pollutants

Essay Instructions:

There are many meteorological (natural) events affecting the behavior of air pollutants. Describe two conditions that produce or enhance (make worse) air pollution events. Please cite specific instances. There are also natural conditions which help to disperse (alleviate) air pollutants. Describe two of these conditions and how they affect the environmental fate of chemicals. Please support your response with at least three scholarly references.

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Natural Air Pollutants
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Natural Air Pollutants
Meteorological factors significantly influence the behavior of air pollutants. They include temperature, humidity, rainfall, temperature, solar radiation, and wind speed and direction. In particular, multiple chemical reactions take place in the atmosphere. However, the rate at which these reactions occur is determined by meteorological factors. The paper focuses on meteorological factors that enhance air pollution events. Additionally, it also discusses two meteorological conditions that help in alleviating air pollutants and how they affect the environmental fate of chemicals.
Wind speed and temperature are two meteorological factors that can facilitate air pollution events. Specifically, the concentration of many air pollutants is highly influenced by meteorological conditions and is negatively correlated with the speed of wind (Liu, Zhou, & Lu, 2020). When the wind speed is low or during calm days, numerous chemical reactions are likely to take place in the atmosphere. Components available in the air have enough time to react since they are not dispersed. Another meteorological factor that deteriorates air pollution events is temperature. The average temperature favors chemical reactions in the atmosphere. Besides, numerous chemicals and substances are released into the atmosphere resulting from various sources of pollution. For example, industries and vehicles emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Some of these emissions are not treated and have particles of chemicals that react with each other. On that note, they require an environment that favors chemical reactions for them to cause more air pollution. During calm days with average temperatures, such chemical reactions are likely to take place and lead to the formation of more dangerous air pollutants. As a result, meteorological factors highly influence air pollution events.
Humidity and rainfall are natural conditions that can help to alleviate air pollutants. These factors influence chemical reactions in the atmosphere. For instance, low humidity reduces t...
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