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Heuristic Essay

Essay Instructions:

Mental shortcuts can be both beneficial and costly. We read about heuristics in Chapter 3. In this paper, you are to find one benefit and one disadvantage associated with both the availability heuristic and the representative heuristic.

You can rely on specific examples from , the lives of people you know, the media, books, or movies. After you describe the example, discuss a better way of thinking about that particular situation. Draw on the research from the textbook or another resource on heuristics.


Aronson, E., Wilson, T. D., & Akert, R. M. (2013). Social psychology (8th ed.). Upper Saddle 

River, NJ: Pearson. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

13th August 2015.
Each day of our lives we are faced with situations that we really have to get our way through. We would get into much trouble if we dealt with them the same way, researching and drawing conclusions before we decide. The brain is the major thing here and it is amazing how it at times decides on some aspects in a snap. So is it possible that the brain uses mental shortcuts to decide upon matters it considers basics? If so then what strategies does it implore to achieve this aspect? It is these strategies that we herein refer to as Heuristics. This paper is going to rationalize the causes of this aspect of mental shortcut in a deeper perception. Although this rash judgment and acting increases our chances of getting where and what we want to achieve but we should also discuss what repercussions might come along as well.
It wouldn’t be complete without touching on various strategies our mind uses, namely availability and representative heuristics. First there is representative heuristic. Here the brain bases its decision upon what it knows and it compares that to the situation at hand. It decides on what it considers more typical and relevant to the particular object or event. ( Tversky & Kahneman, 1970)
In Representative heuristic there are high chances of errors since we tend to stereotype the issue at hand. Just because the likelihood of something happening is high doesn’t dictate the actual probability of it occurring. Even our society is faced by this kind of thinking and at times we call it mentality. A child’s company is judged from his/her behavior, a parent ca...
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