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Plant Anatomy

Essay Instructions:

Discuss what major characteristics set plants apart from the other major taxonomic groupings. Be sure to both identify and define each characteristic.

Discuss what major characteristics set plants apart from the other major taxonomic groupings. Be sure to both identify and define each characteristic.

What characterizes gymnosperms? In your answer be sure to also discuss the major subphyla.

What characterizes angiosperms? In your answer be sure to also discuss the major subphyla.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Plant Anatomy
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Plant Anatomy
Characteristics of Plants
Plants have unique characteristics, which aid differentiate them from the other taxonomic groupings. Plants make their own food in a process known as photosynthesis. Unlike animals and insects, plants do not have to move around in search of food. An interesting fact concerning the process of photosynthesis is that it releases oxygen as a byproduct, and uses carbon dioxide. The plants can defend themselves without having to move. Plants produce layers of fibrous or stony tissues and provide food for some animals to protect them, develop superficial hairs, piercing spines, thorns or prickles, or even produce toxic chemicals to protect against predation (Essig, 2015).
On the other hand, plants have a complex reproductive cycle, characterized by alteration of generations. In this regard, plants are non-motile; thus, plants depend on factors such as animals, wind, water so that they can complete sexual preproduction. Importantly, plants can reproduce both sexual and asexually, which is an important distinguishing factor. Apart from this, plants are hydrostatic systems meaning that the plant cells have a rigid cell wall, which is made up of cellulose. Such a structure or rather the presence of cellulose limits the expansion during osmosis, which further helps the cell grow, expansion of the tissue, maintain cell rigidity, transport food and many other functions (Raven, Ray, & Susan, 1999).
Characteristics of Gymnosperms
An important phase in the evolution of plants was the development of seeds. The seeds provide a means for the dispersal of offspring without relying on external factors. Besides, seeds are an efficient means of dispersal because they allow the plant to live far from direct sources of water. Gymnosperms are plants that have seeds and they do not have flowers. As such, the seeds of these plants develop on the surface of the plantâ€&trade...
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