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1 pages/≈275 words
Life Sciences
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Genetically Modified Organisms

Essay Instructions:

In a brief paragraph, I would like you to summarize your personal opinion on this issue. Specifically, do you support or oppose the use of genetic engineering in agricultural food production as currently practiced in the United States? You should support your position with evidence on the benefits (if you support) or risks (if you oppose) the use of GMOs. You should also address the counterpoints to your position and why you don’t think those points are strong enough to change your position. As you research GMOs, bear in mind that many websites you will find have been created by advocates for one side or the other. Finding clear, scientifically based information can be a challenge. I would recommend focusing on newspaper and magazine articles over industry or activist websites. Quotations and footnotes are not necessary for this exercise. In fact, I would much rather you use your own words (because I am interested in what you think).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Genetically Modified Organisms Name Institution Due Date Genetically Modified Organisms It is normal for human beings to resist change and the debate over the adoption of genetically modified organisms is one that confirms how humanity is not ready to give up his seat of comfort. Even though people do fear change, they fear the unknown even more. When people cannot control what happens in their lives, it bothers them. With genetically engineered food, people do not know how their bodies will react and whether they will fall victim to toxins. Well, regardless of the above, I support the use of genetic engineering in agricultural food production. The first reason why I support GMO foods is because it will lead to increased yields which will help alleviate hunger in the world (Pellegrino, 2018). Additionally, there is a chance that the yields will contain lower levels of toxins. The second reason is that genetically engineered crops are resistant to insects. This means that farmers do not spend a lot of money on pesticides which...
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