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BBH2: Chapter 1 Of The Health Textbook

Essay Instructions:

Use Chapter 1 of Choosing Health textbook for reference as you work through this project.

Before you begin your project, think about how much you really know about the behavior you want to change. For example, if you think you want to increase your fitness – what do you mean by that? What are the benefits of making the change? What are the methods to do it? How will you know you’ve achieved it? RESEARCH your health concern to help you better complete the project. You can use your textbook as a source of information about various health concerns and behaviors.

It will be helpful to choose something that is meaningful and important to you.

Choose a behavior for which you are in the CONTEMPLATION or PREPARATION stage.

Section 1: Describe the Behavior and Impact of Changing It – 5 Points

(a) What is the behavior you would like to work on changing? (1 point)

(b) Discuss any negative health effects that you are currently experiencing (if any). Describe how continuing your current behavior might negatively impact your health in the future. (2 points)

(c) How would changing this behavior positively impact your health? Include short-term as well as long-term benefits. (2 points)

Section 2: Determinants of Health – 12 Points

Using the model of 6 types of determinants of health, examine what influences your current behavior and health status in the area you chose. You can use the handout and/or your text to help you come up with examples.

(a) Biology and Genetics (2 points)

(b) Individual Behaviors (2 points)

(c) Social (2 points)

(d) Physical Environment (2 points)

(e) Health Services (2 points)

(f) Policy (2 points)

Section 3: Applying Health Behavior Change Models – 9 Points

Choose 1 of the Health Behavior Change Models we reviewed in class. For the model you choose, answer the 3 questions below that model.

Which model are you choosing to use? ______________________

Transtheoretical (Stages of Change) Model:

(a) Which of the stages are you in right now? Explain why you chose that stage. (3 points)

(b) What are the pros (positives) of making a change? What are the cons (negatives) of making a change? (3 points)

(c) What are the pros (positives) of staying the same? What are the cons (negatives) of staying the same? (3 points)

Health Belief Model:

(a) Describe the threat that you perceive if you do not make the change. Include in your discussion how serious the consequences would be for you if you don’t change the behavior. (3 points)

(b) Describe the benefits that you believe you will experience from changing. (3 points)

(c) What cue(s) to action have you experienced that has caused you to want to make this change? (3 points)

Ecological Model:

(a) How have your relationships (with peers, friends, family) influenced your behavior in this area? (3 points)

(b) How has your environment (your physical environment, culture, and other circumstances) influenced your behavior in this area? (3 points)

(c) How have any policies, laws or larger societal norms influenced your behavior? (3 points)

Section 4: Setting a SMART Goal - 5 Points

You do not need to discuss these elements in your response. Simply write your goal in 1-2 sentences, making sure it is SMART:

Specific: Include details – be specific. (1 point)

Measurable: Can you objectively evaluate your success? How will you (and others) concretely know that you’ve achieved your goal? (1 point)

Attainable: Is your goal realistic? Is your goal slightly “forgiving”? For example, will you still be able to achieve your goal if things get in your way occasionally? (1 point)

Relevant: Is your goal personal and relevant to YOU? Your goal should be yours, not what someone else thinks it should be, or what might be appropriate for someone else. (1 point)

Time-Based: Do you have a realistic time frame set for your goal? Your goal should have a realistic end date on it (1 point)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
BBH2 Name Institutional Affiliation BBH2 Although I take occasional efforts to exercise, I deeply struggle with exercise. I understand the benefits of exercise but I have created a life that is averse to any forms of physical exertion for the most part. Because of this, I constantly suffer from lethargy and my weight also fluctuates greatly depending on how inactive I have been in recent times. I am looking to change this aversion to exercise and physical exertion in a bid to improve the quality of life that I live. Presently, I am not experiencing any negative health effects but I have noticed that my weight fluctuates greatly depending on how inactive I have been. It is worth noting, however, that this fluctuation does not range from being fit to being overweight, but instead from being overweight to being overweight in a worse way. Exercise is the best way to keep one’s body healthy, young, and replenished. My continued aversion to exercise and physical exertion is likely to result in me becoming obese and incapable of movement. When this happens, it will become extremely difficult for me to engage in activities that I enjoy such as visiting museums without feeling embarrassed and constantly self-conscious. As far as my lethargy and aversion to exercise are concerned, a number of factors have had a significant contribution. Being naturally uninterested in sports made it difficult for me to pursue athletic activities and hobbies that often involved one form of exercise or another. My physical environment also allowed me...
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