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Genetic Modification of Plants

Essay Instructions:

You now have some basic idea about how proteins are made in cells from DNA. Science has made many strides in harnessing this knowledge for the benefit of human life.

Assume you are asked to write a column for a HIGH SCHOOL newspaper/magazine. Imagine you are trying to capture the imagination of an average high schooler, you want your audience to like science.

Write an original article about an advancement such as (1) insulin production by genetic engineering OR (2) the discovery of novel medicines from plants, OR (3) genetically modified plant products like corn, soybean, rice, wheat, etc, OR (4) if you have a favorite science topic...please email me to get permission to use it for this paper.

Include a bibliography (references from which your writing is based) of at least 4 sources. Indicate in your article which reference/source was used and where. References can be numbered (1,2,3,4,etc) or arranged in alphabetical order. You MUST NOT cite Google as your primary source (you can use a search engine like Google, Bing, etc to search for primary source articles).

Papers should have 1 inch margins, use a 12 point font, single spaced and 2 pages long excluding bibliography (this can go on the third page).

Please DO NOT include your NAME or ANY TITLE anywhere in the paper. Begin your paper from the top of the page. (Your name automatically appears next to your submission on the Moodle page).

Please make sure your SIMILARITY SCORE that is displayed after your submit your work is less than 30%...anything more means you have cut and paste or copied your work from other sources....you need to use other sources, but re-write the information in your own words. You can re-submit edited versions as many times as you like up to the due date.

Please use the link below to submit your written assignment. Your manuscript can be uploaded as an attachment (MS Word, PDF, Google Docs).

By submitting your work, you agree to let Nicholls State University utilize 3rd party services to check for plagiarism, unacknowledged usage of other published work and to check for copying from other students' works.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
People eat every day. With the large quantity of human population that continuously increases, food supply production should also be affected. The question here is, how do food productions keep up with this change, especially when environmental issues also take place? This is where the genetic modification of plants occurs.
Key et al. (2008) defined genetically modified plants as “those that have been genetically modified using recombinant DNA technology (p. 290)”. In other words, this implies that a DNA of a specific crop is being manipulated and transferred to another crop which creates a new, improved crop (Uzogara, 2000).
Rice is considered part of the groups of genetically modified crops to fight various issues and produce improved crops that houses more nutrients. In the case of Sakakibara & Saito (2006), Golden rice is their main topic where its name is derived from the “bright yellow ꞵ-carotene-producing endosperm (p. 1986)”. They described it as a product that produces lots of Vitamin A, which affects the weakened immune system, bone growth, and more. Aside from rice, there are still several crops that are being reproduced through genetic engineering.
On the other hand, corn is also being mutated to not conform to any environmental issues that they face during reproduction. The term for genetically modified corn crop is Bt corn, which produces more lignin content. To elaborate, with the increase of lignin to a specific crop, the viability of its characteristics is better than before. Its benefits are excellent resistance to ECB, lessened vulnerability to molds, and more (Saxena & Stotzky, 2001).
Soybeans are also included as genetically modified plants, where Bonny (2008) stated that Herbicide-tolerant (HT) soybean has more beneficial characteristics for farmers. Although having only a tiny difference to conventional soybean, there is still a clear line to HT soybean that addresses the disadvantages of the former one. She also stated that it makes it easier for them to control the weeds. In addition, the application process can be done in flexible ways, having less expensive seeds and more.
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