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In-vitro Fertilization (IVF)

Essay Instructions:

Write an essay about any medical condition, disease, or medication that interests you, runs in your family, or that you would like to know more about.

Essay must have a clear title
Essay must have a clear, specific thesis statement.
Supporting paragraphs refer to the thesis statement and also support with research.
must use appropriate an varied word choices.

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In Vitro Fertilization
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In Vitro Fertilization
Every parent wants to have children; however, not all parents can do so due to infertility in one or both parents. Many people have infertility, defined as the inability to conceive after one year of unprotected sexual activity. IVF is one of several assisted reproductive technologies (ART) available to infertile couples. In vitro fertilization is the process of fertilizing eggs with sperm outside of the human body (IVF). After the eggs have been fertilized, the embryos are implanted in the woman's uterus in the hopes of a healthy pregnancy. The most successful form of ART is IVF. Rather than fertilizing the egg inside the woman's fallopian tubes, sperm fertilize the egg in a laboratory via IVF.
Over an extended period, infertility has been a significant challenge to society. Scientists studying reproduction began debating the possibility of establishing parameters that would allow the fertilization of human oocytes in vitro in the early twentieth century. However, the enormous complexity of the fertilization technique posed a difficulty. Researchers had made little progress with IVF of human oocytes despite advances in animal reproduction research over the twentieth century. Before the achievement of human IVF, several scientific innovations and discoveries were required: the capacity to regulate oocyte formation, the ability to retrieve oocytes at a developmental stage suitable for in vitro fertilization, the ability to induce sperm in vitro, and the ability to define conditions conducive to fertilization.
Both men and women may contribute to infertility, so it is not always a woman's problem. Infertility in men can be caused by a variety of reasons and is usually detected by sperm analysis. During a semen analysis, an expert assesses the number of sperm concentrations, their morphology form, and motility movement. A little aberrant sperm analysis does not always mean a man is infertile. Infertility in males is caused by sperm abnormalities, including sperm that do not develop fully, migrate properly, are inadequate, or are strangely shaped. Also, some lifestyle choices, including consuming alcohol, smoking, and taking certain medicines, might lower sperm count.
There is a link between sperm morphology and caffeine, alcohol, and cigarette usage. Therefore, it is advantageous to the sperm's functioning if they are avoided while attempting to conceive. In a study, Vitamin C and E and lycopene and Coenzyme Q10 were beneficial to sperm morphology (Sjunnesson, 2020). Retrograde ejaculation, in which sperm travel through the bladder rather than the penis, is another cause of male infertility. This occurs when the bladder's muscles and nerves do not shut during orgasm. Retrograde ejaculation can be caused by medication, surgery, or a nervous system health issue and can be treated with midodrine, imipramine, chlorpheniramine, and midodrine (Sjunnesson, 2020). These medications aid in the closure of the bladder neck muscle during ejaculation. Although the medications are effective for retrograde copulation, they can have side effects such as an elevation in heart rate and blood pressure, which can be dangerous if someone already has one of these diseases.
Infertility in women can be caused by a variety of reasons, including the inability to ovulate. Failure to ovulate is the primary cause of infertility in 50% of women (Crawford & Ledger, 2019). This error is characterized by gynecological and ovulation disorders such as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), which causes abnormally high amounts of androgens hormones to disrupt ovarian follicle development and egg realization during ovulation. As a result, cysts can form within the ovaries, which are enclosed sacs containing bodily tissue that can form anywhere and are filled with air, fluid, or other materials. POI is a disorder in which a woman's ovaries stop releasing eggs and hormones at an early age.
Ovulation induction, which involves using fertility medications known as ovulation, can treat failure to ovulate. Ovulation induction is also used to enhance the odds of pregnancy in ovulatory patients. Prescribed medicines, such as Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), are used to induce ovulation, which causes the ovaries to produce an egg and assists in the timing of insemination (method to deliver sperm directly to the uterus or cervix). The medication clomiphene citrate (CC) is used to treat ovulatory problems. There are, however, particular side effects such as stomach discomfort (7%), headache (5.3%), nausea, and vomiting (6.2 percent ). In addition, CC is linked to ovarian cysts, torsion (twisting of the ovary), pregnancy complications, and ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. It is, nevertheless, recommended to increase the odds of ovulation ("What Are Some Possible Cause of Female Infertility"). Structural problems with the reproductive system can also cause infertility. Abnormal uterine or fallopian tube tissue is a common symptom of structural problems. Eggs cannot move from the ovaries to the uter...
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