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Pros and Cons of Using Plastic Materials for Food Packaging

Essay Instructions:

Developing good verbal and written communications skills is an important part of your college education. To help you learn how to express technical ideas, you are required to complete a writing assignment. This paper is expected to be a minimum of 5 pages long (double-spaced and typed) and requires a minimum of 3 references. The topic of the paper should be a chemically relevant topic of specific interest to you. Successful papers of the past have included chemical applications in the following disciplines

• Medicine—Origins and chemical treatment of disorder and disease

• Chemical applications of dentistry in both dental and oral health

• Chemical-drug treatment for specific disease

• Environmental problems of chemistry-related solutions and/or solutions

• Chemical perspectives on a physiological process of interest

• Chemistry applications in foods and beverages, as well as nutrition

• Curriculum development ideas for K-12 science education

• Chemical foundations of alternative fuels and energy resources

• A brief biography of the impact of a chemically significant historical figure

• Chemical nature of engineering materials, such as glass, ceramics, concrete, metals, and alloys

This is only a partial list, and its intent is to kindle your thoughts toward a topic for which you feel a strong connection and passion as an adult student.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the suitability or angle-of-approach for a certain paper topic, you are welcome to talk with me at any time.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Pros and Cons of Using Plastic Materials for Food Packaging
Institution of Affiliation
Pros and Cons of Using Plastic Materials for Food Packaging
Plastic materials are used for packaging foods as they help in food protection, preservation, merchandising, marketing and food distribution. This ability is attributed to the large, organic molecules that are carbon-containing and which are used in making the plastic materials more fluid, printable, easy to mold and seal by heat. Overall, plastic packaging plays a role in ensuring that foods reach the consumers while still safe and in good quality. Because of these great qualities, the manufacturers of foods and beverages have increasingly shown an interest in using these plastics in food packaging. This growing interest in plastic packaging has also led to investigations about the other benefits they could be having when it comes to food packaging and the possible disadvantages. For instance, some studies have linked them with harming nature, degrading the environment, and having the disadvantage of low melting point. The present paper looks at some of the major pros and cons that are associated with the use of these plastic materials for the purposes of food packaging. Generally, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages indicating that plastic food packaging causes more harm than good.
Plastic packing is acknowledged for its flexibility and adaptability when it comes to use. According to Raheem (2012), plastic materials are fluid and therefore can be molded into different shapes, sizes and can easily be sealed using heat. With this ability, customization of plastic packages can be done according to the customer’s needs and preferences. In storage of food, this option is most appropriate because it is extremely light-weight and hence only takes up minimal space. The transportation of foods packaged in plastics also becomes easier due to this ability to take up minimal storage space, which largely reduces the carbon footprint during transportation. The flexibility also allows for the creation of high quality packages that can attract the attention of the customers and cause them to notice the packages. When this is in a retail setting, it can increase sales.
Plastic packaging has the ability to withstand environmental conditions that are considered extreme. For instance, their chances of degradation in hot or cold environments are quite low. For this reason, it becomes easy for the foods or beverages involved to be preserved in terms of their integrity and quality. This also means some other external influences such as dust, oxygen, odors, moisture and light cannot affect the food contained in the packages as they will be protected (Abdhilkadim, 2015). This also leads to another benefit whereby it helps to prevent wastage of food through spoilage thereby eliminating any chances of registering loses. Its inability to degrade easily or be affected by external influences also means that co...
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