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Physics. Direct Current and Alternating Current. Life Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

You do not need a lot big words in this essay. This is a high school physics essay. Just make sure to use correct grammar. 

Write a cited two-page paper comparing and contrasting alternating and direct current.
Your paper should include:
1. A description of both types of current.
2. Examples of how AC and DC power is commonly used.
3. Advantages and disadvantages of each.
4. A short synopsis oValue chain enables Trader Joes to deliver quality goods to its market. The value creation activities are well planned, hence making it easy for the company to maneuver through the competition in the supermarket's industry.f the competition between Edison and Westinghouse to determine what type of current would be used in homes.The report should be between two and four double-spaced pages in length. You will need at least two sources, and you must cite your work properly with MLA format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Direct Current and Alternating Current
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Direct Current and Alternating Current
Both AC and DC are types of current flow in circuits. Alternating current is a category of electric current, in which electrons switch directions back and forth. The direction changes are at regular intervals. In most parts of the world, the standard current is 50 cycles per second. DC, on the other hand, is a type of current in which flow of electrons in a circuit are constant in one direction (Wang, Chen, & Li 2016). Therefore, the two types of current are opposite of each other. DC and AC have several disparities and similarities; this paper will compare and contrast the two types of currents.
How AC and DC are commonly used
DC is used on common portable appliances such as mobile phones and flashlights. Additionally, because it has a direct flow of current, it gives room for the transfer of information. For this reason, it was used in traditional telephone cables. Moreover, all portable solar system produces direct current. Other use of DC includes automobiles and aircraft applications. AC, on the other hand, is commonly used in transportation and production of electricity. Almost all households are connected to the AC grid. Additionally, the power is used for most households’ appliances such as the dishwashers, refrigerators, and toasters. Therefore, AC is commonly used on items that require storage of energy and therefore potable. On the other hand, DC is used by electronics that do not need to store energy.
Advantages and disadvantages of AC and DC
One of the advantages of DC is that unlike AC it can hold current for a long time. This...
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