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Future of Space Travel Research Assignment Paper

Essay Instructions:

Any topic relevant to class is fine. Have 3-5 pages of written material with a single page a references at the end. Below are some possible topics that have plenty of information for 3-5 pages.
NASA / ESA missions
New Horizons
Dawn Mission
James Webb space telescope
planned Europa Mission
General Topics:
Fermi Paradox
Future of space travel (near term space tourism/asteroid mining or far future interstellar ship possibilities)
Future of biology with CRISPR cas-9 technology
you can do a travel brochure with the top 5 destinations in the solar system. Each destination must be a specific location or feature, not just a planet in general. e.g. "Visit Mars" is too general. "Visit Olympus Mons on Mars" is a great choice. For each location provide a paragraph or two describing the feature in general and why it makes such a good destination. You can make a standard paper with a stapled corner, or you can be more creative and make a 3 fold brochure. Be creative!

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Future of Space Travel
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Future of Space Travel
Space travel is defined as the travel through space for the purposes of visiting or exploring other worlds. Often, it is referred to be a form in which travelers enter space, a region approximated to be one hundred kilometers above the crust of the earth (Aerospace Corporation, 2017). Initially, space travel was restricted to astronauts working for various governments agencies’ research. However, in the recent past, humans have been intrigued by the outer space, creating a need for space travel, especially after the successful launch of spacecraft in the 20th century, successfully taking astronauts into space and the moon (Aerospace Corporation, 2017). The intent of the paper is to analyze the future of space travel, looking into space tourism, asteroid mining and future interstellar ship.
In 1957, the Soviet Union launched its first artificial satellite named Sputnik 1 into space. Few years later, on April 12, 1961, Lt. Yuri Gagarin from Russia became the first human to orbit around the globe, lasting about one hour and forty-eight minutes in the space, and reaching an altitude of 202 miles. Over the years, there have been a series of other successful space explorations, with Astronaut Neil Armstrong becoming the first man to land on the moon on July 1969 (Aerospace Corporation, 2017). With the development of the first America’s first space station named Skylab, there has been numerous improvements in the industry, leading to the development of an international space station. The station has been very useful in monitoring security, surveillance of weather, navigation purposes and monitoring disasters.
Formation of important bodies such as The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), which encourages exploration and monitoring space has played a major role in ensuring that space exploration can be done efficiently and effectively (Dick, 2007). Space exploration and travel is a very important concept as it promotes science education. With the rise of global warming, agencies such as NASA have helped in environmental research and studies on issues related to climate change.
Future of Space Travel
Asteroid Mining
Over-exploitation has led to depletion of the earth’s resources at an alarming rate. In future, this could lead to limited natural resources, leading to negative effects on the industrial developments that require these resources. However, space exploration through asteroid mining has been viewed as one of the remedies to the forecasted problem. Asteroid mining refers to the exploitation of raw materials and natural resources from asteroids and other planets. The minerals include iron, copper, nickel and gold, as well as water, which has been viewed as another valuable resource. These minerals could be utilized in the space, or transported to earth using rockets. The realization of the aspect has created a competition in developing the required machinery, with NASA and ESA sending colossal spacecraft to space. Private firms are also trying to establish models to help them benefit from the asteroid mining (Szondy, 2016).
Despite a drop in the cost incurred in getting to the orbit and accessing the asteroids near the Earth, the cost of reaching the geosynchronous orbit is very high. As a result, the mining process is projected to be highly expensive, hence the reason why the asteroid mining companies are focusing on near earth asteroids (Szondy, 2016). Szondy (2016) suggests that instead of returning the asteroid materials to earth, which is expensive, the asteroids products could be profitable if left in space and utilized by means of 3D printing and other advanced production methods. The minerals could also be used for construction in space such as building space and satellite stations and m...
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