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Lake Erie Open Dumping Research Assignment Paper

Essay Instructions:

Complete a 6-10 page research project on an environmental issue facing either Lake Erie or Lake Ontario, as they are identified as the most threatened Great Lakes.
Your project must contain a minimum of 10 references using APA format. The report should be word-processed using 12 point, Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier font, and double-spaced type.
All images and maps used must site the source of the original image. The project may be done in a portfolio (landscape) format.
All projects must be uploaded to UBLearns as a pdf document.
In your project, include the following:
Provide background about the problem.
Discuss environmental concerns about the issue.
Highlight any social and/or economic concerns about the issue.
Highlight any opposing viewpoints about the issue.
Identify environmental education opportunities to involve the public.
Sample topics facing Lake Erie and Lake Ontario include:
Lake Ontario Shoreline erosion
Lake Erie Areas of Concern
Lake Erie Open Lake Dumping
Industrial Pollution
Waterfront Access
Invasive species
Wastewater/Sewer Overflows
Impacts on Climate Change
Water runoff from farms
Coastal development
Urban Sprawl in the Lake Erie/Lake Ontario Basin
Water pollution/water quality
Useful Websites that may assist you in getting started:

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Lake Erie Open Dumping
The Ohio lakefront ports have to be dredged every other year to make sure that navigation routes are clear. It is quite important to note that dredging is an expensive process. The US Army Corps of Engineers is responsible for the dredging services along the harbor (Ayre, 2017). However, it does not have the funding too actually clear the entire port as it does not have the funding for the same. Much of the material that is dredged on the floor of the waterway is then dumped in the Lake Erie. This is one of the Great Lakes, which is part of other lakes among them Michigan, Ontario, Huron and Superior. These are largest group of fresh water lakes, with reference to the total area that they cover. They are also the largest by volume relative to the fact that they form more than 21% of the world’s water surface. However, there is an issue regarding the impact of the processes associated with open lake dumping (Inland Seas Education Association, 2017). Much of the dredges material that is dumped in the Lake Erie are having a negative impact on the lake, with reference to the species and water quality (Ayre, 2017). The issue of open dumping at the lake dumping has been sharply debated between the Army corps EPA and the Port Authority (Ayre, 2017).
Environmental Concerns
It is important to consider the environmental concerns associated with the element of dumping in the lake. One of the concerns is that, the material dumped in to the lake, is mostly directed towards the middle and onto areas which are considered not to have no impacts on the fish spawning processes (Ohio Environmental Council, 2017). However, there should be consideration on the impact that the material dumped has on the bottom of lake composition. The material that is dumped into the lake tends to smoother the habitat and in some of the areas, it disrupts the sunlight and this directly impacts the life in the lake (Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, 2017). There is also the issue of providing additional food and protection to the species that would be considered nuisance (Ohio Environmental Council, 2017). Although they might have been thought to be a problem that mostly happened in the 60s and the 70s, the harmful Algal Blooms have made a return and they pose a threat to the public especially for the population along the lake’s shorelines (Ayre, 2017). By dumping in the lake, the soils that are brought to the lake are likely to have nutrients that the algae need to flourish. The protection from direct sunlight offered by the algae suspended in the water, gives the best conditions that support the development of harmful algal blooms in the lake (Ohio Environmental Council, 2017). The dumping processes at the lake of the sediments that are brought to the lake, there is an impact on the water quality increase in turbidity and a drop in the property value around the area. With reference the sediments being dumped in the lake, they get suspended in the water and this cause turbidity, as such the water is not clear ("Lake Erie Harmful Algal Bloom Forecast", 2017). This is a direct impact on the quality of the water relative to the ability to let in sunlight for the health of the life at the lake (Kaczala, 2010). Sunlight is an important part of the plants in the life cycles of the various species in the ecosystem (Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, 2017).
Social And/or Economic Concerns
One other aspects that is associated with the dumping at the lake is the economic impact in the area. part of the reason that the area property fetches a good price is due to the presence of the lake. This is one the great lakes and as such, the area is a value target for most of the investors. With the water quality impacted by sediments suspended, the clarity in the water is affected (Kaczala, 2010). The water is no longer clear and this turns into an eyesore. More importantly, if the water develop harmful algal blooms the area becomes a health hazard and not many would want to invest in the region. As such, for the persons that are already living in the area, there is the fact that they cannot enjoy their environment and much of their social activities are curtailed by the murk in the water found in the lake. In addition, there is also the fact that the property value of the area is negatively impacted. The fact that, the lake will be turned into an eyesore and the harmful algal blooms pose a health hazard, will lower the value of the property around and not many investors will want to bring their business in the areas. This further trickle down to poor economic activities in the area.
“Millions of Ohioans rely on Lake Erie for drinking water and the fishing, boating, and recreation jobs that depend on clean and safe waters,” Brown said. “While dredging of the Cuyahoga River is critical for the region’s economy, we can’t compromise efforts to improve water quality and restore the health of the lake. That’s why I’ll continue working to maintain the navigation channel while ending the practice of open-lake dumping and ensuring the ongoing recovery of Lake Erie.” (Portman, 2017)
The lake support life around the area, and for most of the people that live around, the lake is a source of drinking water, provide for boating activities along with fishing (Portman, 2017). There are also a host of recreational jobs that are created around the lake ecosystem. Dumping in the lake ensures that none of the services can be offered by the lake as the quality of the water has been compromised (Portman, 2017).
Opposing Viewpoints
The opposition for dumping at the lake has not been without resistance from some part of the community in the area (Kaczala, 2010). the most vigorous objection to the project has been with reference to the US Army Corps Engineers who have threatened to cut off some of the lake projects that are ongoing (Eaton, 2014). According to the Army Corps, the sediments that are dumped in the lake are not harmful in any way as they ar...
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