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Experiences With Sexuality Education

Essay Instructions:

1.Reflect on your own experiences with sexuality education. (5 points total)

(a) Where did you get most of your information about sexuality?

(b) Where would you have liked to have gotten information?

(c) Briefly describe your experience with sexuality education in school - content, amount of time/detail, age at which it occurred, etc.

(d) How did the culture you grew up in influence your experiences in learning about sexuality?

2.Think about how you would design your ideal comprehensive sexuality education course and answer the following questions.

(a) Describe the 5 most important sexuality-related topics you would cover in your course. (5 points)

(b) Describe the 5 key skills you want your students to get from the course. In other words, describe 5 things that they should be able to DO, rather than just know, after your course. (5 points)

(c) Describe 5 activities you would use to help your class gain knowledge and skills in the topics that you selected. Activities might include discussions, projects, presentations, demonstrations, research, visiting certain websites, etc. Be creative and specific! (5 points)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Sexual Education Author Name Institution Affiliation Part 1 Sexuality education has taken a positive view of sexual development in different parts of the world, especially in New Zealand, the United States, Canada, and Europe. It encompasses learning about physical development, such as reproductive systems, friendship, relationships, social issues, and gender identity. I do not think that learning things about sex is bad, as it sits within the broad area of relationship education, which can help solve various emotional and social problems as well as can prevent domestic violence to an extent. The main source of information about sexuality is mass media (movies, the Internet, television, and magazines). I have also observed that portrayals of sexuality are everywhere on the web, but most of the people do not know how this content should be used and what are its effects on their behaviors and beliefs. I think that more longitudinal research is required to learn more about how to use mass media when it comes to viewing sexual content. I would have loved to get information from social media, as I think that these are the platforms where people share their opinions and thoughts without any hesitation. Television and other forms of mass media seem to be providing limited information, but social media sites especially Twitter and Facebook can be an excellent source of information on how important it is to gain knowledge about sex, gender and relationships. Although sex education is frequently evaluated and discussed in terms of its role in minimizing the STD and adolescent pregnancy rates, the main goal is broader: to give students a chance to receive information on how to develop and strengthen their relationships and how to examine their social values. As far as my experience is concerned, I had a chance to learn about se...
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