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“Who am I” Essay Assignment for CEP 202. MODULE 3

Essay Instructions:

This assignment prompts you to bring together what you have learned about your interests, abilities, values and personality into a summary of who you are. Using your Career Fitness Portfolio Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 summaries (pages 247 - 250), you will reflect on these topics in a 2-page essay. In order to receive credit for this essay assignment, you must write clearly and incorporate accurate information about yourself derived from completing Modules 1-5, including results of the assessments of your interests, abilities/skills, and work values.


MODULE 3 Assignment: Assessments and Reflection Questions


Please put your name at the top of this page and submit your responses within this document


Please re-name your document  "LastName_FirstName_Module3" before submitting through the Assignments Tab “Module 3”.



Please follow the prompts below in the order given to complete the Values Grid, Work Needs Assessment, and Work Values Assessment, and then respond to the reflection questions that follow.


  1. A. Complete the Values Grid: Exercise 3.1 on page 40 in book.


B. List your top 5 General Values below (from question #2 of Exercise 3.1, Values Grid)


Your Top 5 General Values


General Value




Appreciating learning



Having free choice of thoughts and actions



Knowing you’ve done well



Moving up



Seeking enjoyment of gratification



  1. A. Please go to the following website to take the work needs survey. https://gseweb(dot)gse(dot)buffalo(dot)edu/gse-survey/workneeds

B. Upon completion of the work needs survey, you will see a summary of your results. Please save the summary of your results. You will use this summary to identify your top 5 work needs and list them below.

Your Top 5 Work Needs

Work Need


Definition (“on my ideal job, it is important that…”) 



The work could give me a sense of accomplishment.



The job would provide an opportunity for advancement.



I could receive recognition for the work I do.

Social Status


Others would look me up to in my company and my community.

Ability utilization


I make use of my abilities.



My coworkers would be easy to get along with



  1. A. Create a free MyPlan.com account https://www(dot)myplan(dot)com/index.php  and complete the work values assessment https://www(dot)myplan(dot)com/assess/values.php .

B. Once you’ve completed this assessment, please record your individual work value scores below.


Your Work Value scores

Work Value





People who score high in the Achievement cluster should look for jobs that let them use their best abilities. It's also important that they look for work where they can see the results of their efforts directly. They should explore jobs where they can get a strong feeling of accomplishment.

The personal work needs that correspond to this cluster are Ability Utilization and Achievement.




People who score high in the Independence cluster should look for jobs where they are left to do things on own initiative. These people also value creativity and the freedom to work alone. They should explore work where they can make decisions on their own.

The personal work needs that correspond to this cluster are Creativity, Responsibility and Autonomy.




People who score high in the Recognition cluster should explore jobs with good possibilities for advancement. They should look for work with prestige or with the potential for leadership. These people value status and should look toward careers that fulfill that need.

The personal work needs that correspond to this cluster are Advancement, Authority, Recognition and Status.




People who score high in the Relationships cluster should look for jobs where their co-workers are likely to be friendly and supportive. They should also look for work that lets them be of service to others. These people should explore jobs that do not compromise their personal morals, or sense of right and wrong.

The personal work needs that correspond to this cluster are Co-workers, Moral Values and Social Service.








People who score high in the Support cluster should look for jobs where the company stands behind its workers and where the workers are comfortable with management’s style of supervision. These people should explore work in companies with a reputation for competent, considerate, and fair management.

The personal work needs that correspond to this cluster are Company Policies, Supervision: Human Relations and Supervision: Technical.


Working Conditions


People who score high in the Working Conditions cluster should consider pay, job security, and good working conditions when looking at jobs. They should also look for work that suits their personal work style. Some people like to be busy all the time, or work alone, or have many different things to do. These people should explore jobs where they can take best advantage of their particular work style.

The personal work needs that correspond to this cluster are Activity, Compensation, Independence, Security, Variety and Working Conditions.




Reflection Questions

Use the lists you’ve created above to answer the following reflection questions. Be brief, but


1.)    Describe your highest 5 general values and what each general value means to you in terms of your potential career path.

  • Education—it’s important that my potential career provides me the substantial and different learning opportunities
  • Freedom—my potential career provides me the options to speak up my thoughts and make decisions independently
  • Accomplishment—my potential career gives me chance to recognize myself and get recognized by others
  • Advancement-my potential career gives me the chance to see my effort and growth periodically
  • Pleasure-I enjoy my career based on all the value above achieved


2.)    Describe your highest 5 work needs and what each work need means to you in terms of your potential career.


  • Achievement—I feel I am successful
  • Advancement—I have opportunities to learn and grow
  • Recognition—I am recognized by myself and others in the job
  • Social Status—The job makes me feel my privileges
  • Ability utilization—I use the best of my ability in my work


3.)    Describe your highest 2 to 3 work values and what each work value means to you in terms of your potential career.

  • Recognition-I feel myself as important doing this job and the job gives me the chance of being recognized by others
  • Achievement-I work on a job, which relates to my abilities and I can use my abilities to the best.
  • Support—I feel the coworkers and management are supportive and it’s easy to work along with them

4.)    Compare your highest work needs to the work needs that correspond with your top work values. See handout, “What your Work Values Mean”(document located in Module 3 Folder). Are your higher work needs (from Part 2.B. above) represented in your highest 2 to 3 work values (from Part 3.B. above)? In what ways are they different? What might this mean for you?

Yes, my higher work needs are consistent with my highest work values. It means that’s my true pursuit.

5.)    Compare your highest general values to your highest work values and highest work needs. In what ways are your general values similar to your work values and work needs? In what ways are they different? What might this mean for you?

Two of my general values are the same as my work needs and work values. They are accomplishment and advancement. The others are pretty consistent. Education is very related to advancement. In my opinion, learning opportunities stimulates the advancement. My general value includes freedom and pleasure while it’s not closely consistent with my work needs and values. I think these two points means I am still pursuing these values somehow but not as important as others. But I am still trying to achieve a balance of my overall consideration for the potential career.


6.)    Looking across your top general values, work values, and work needs to see how they fit together could get a little confusing. Considering your life roles may provide some clarity.

Life roles include Student, Leisurite, Citizen (community or global), Worker, Homemaker or Parent.

  1. Current: What life roles are more salient to you currently?  (One way to examine this is to consider in which role or roles do you spend the most time in during a typical week?)


  1. Future: What life roles are likely to become more salient for you within the next 5 years?


  1. Which current life roles apply to your top general and work values and work needs?  (You may find it helpful to fill in the following table to help you answer this part)

Roles, Values, and Needs

Life Role

General Value

Work Value

Work Need



Ability utilized














Homemaker or Parent





  1. Would your responses to question 6. C. above change when considering your future roles, instead of your current roles? Explain why or why not.

Yes, it will change. Even if I have general values, work needs and work values; my current role won’t be able to fill the highest values regards to these three types. However, as I pursue them as my lifetime goals, they will be fulfilled in the future roles, which definitely affect my choice of career path.


7.)    From the Module 3 assessment activities, briefly state what you have learned about what is important to you in life and in work.

I know more about myself from how I see the importance of different values in making decisions for my future career path. I realized I am a person who values the most of self-development and I pursue the success of career, which is recognized by others. This will help me make better decisions when I choose my career path.


*After finishing this assignment, please complete the Career Fitness Portfolio for Chapter 3 as described in the Module 3 Welcome letter*


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Who am I
Who am I
I am an extrovert who like working on projects that will require or involve a lot of socializing and where I can interact with people as we help each other come up with a solution. I prefer these kinds of jobs as opposed to the kind where you work and produce alone. I prefer to express myself as I am artistic and creativity is some I hold dearly. Working on projects with repetitive activities demotivates me quickly. I am good at influencing and influencing people this goes along with my good skills in writing, teaching, and speaking which defines my excellent communication skills. Am also an active listener whose empathy and emotional intelligence is made up of kindness and helping people. Thus to sum up I am an extrovert with good listening and speaking skills, writing, reading and arithmetic skills and a creative and critical thinker. I also uphold integrity and responsibility besides sociability.
I need to get into a career that will involve my skills and not hold back my creativity. As I opt to join an innovative career where growth and creativity are not limited, I need to increase my strength in critical thinking, sociability, problem-solving and maintain and troubleshooting equipment. I want to develop the above skills so that I can remain curious and get an active learning mind thus I want to start reading books and articles whose aim at improving this sector. I want to get a mentor as it is observed mentor do help individuals develop the admired skills. Coaching is observed as one of the best ways to learn and hence...
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