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Philosophy Final Paper: Death And Other Nothings

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Philosophy final paper.

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Death Is Nothing to Us
Death Is Nothing to Us
As suits argues, death has nothing to us. It is one of those events that we are certain will come and one that causes the person in question to have no experiences. As such, if death then causes one to lack the ability to experience, then it is clear that it has nothing to us. As sin the first place, when one is dead they will have no experiences and even death does not count as an experience to them. This is a rather interesting approach that is taken by the author, given the fact that, if one dies they seize to experience all that is within their environment. The world and all the experiences on it no longer exists to them. Even they do not exist anymore. As such, for the dead, they do not exist and the world experiences are no longer important to them as they cannot have any form of experience to them. They cannot cause the dead to react in any way (Suits, 2012). The dead will simply lay there unmoved by any experiences that those that are alive will be having and reacting to in the different ways. Even the experiences that are around them cannot hurt them or please them in any way, form or shape. As Suits argues, death is nothing to us, the experiences we have when alive are lost when we are dead and cannot react to any of them in death.
If something cannot be experienced, it is not possible to say that, it is good or bad. There is simply no way of telling if the experience is going to feel good or bad. There as to be the element of experiences for the events associated with the same to be called good or bad. This is to mean that, where one is dead, they have to be considered as not having any experiences. As such, for them classifications of good or bad do not apply to them (Suits, 2012). This is because, regardless of the experiences that those that are alive hope that their dead may experience, they are not in a position to feel. They cannot experience anything, for them it is a flat line from the time they die to infinity.
In the event that there is a misfortunes in one’s life and before they hear of the news they die, the bad news do not seize to exist (Suits, 2012). However, the dead person the experience of the bad news is cut short. This means that they will not hear of the bad news and they will have died a happy person. The bad news could have been life altering such as being diagnosed with a killer disease. However, since the person that had been diagnosed did not get to hear about their results from the doctor as they died before the test results are released, this does not affect them. However, the fact of the matter is the results are sad. The person to experience the news is already dead and they do not have the ability to feel anything in their new dimension of life. As such, they wi...
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