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PHI Writing Assignment: Understanding Of Theism And Deism

Essay Instructions:

Weekly writing based upon lecture # 7 HUME'S dialogues concerning natural religion. Please summarize your understanding of THEISM and DEISM, possible grounds for religious beliefs, also mention the three characters of Hume's dialogues, describe problem of evil and philosophical response to them.

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Phi: Understanding of Theism and Deism
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Phi: Understanding of Theism and Deism
In summary, deism is not necessarily a religion, but basically a philosophical position that postulates in the existence of a supreme being who is unknowable, unseen and untouchable. Depending on the observations of the cosmos or nature, deism cannot be described as a concept of divine intervention or revelation, the belief in miracles, detailed mythology, or supernatural stories, but simply a belief in God (Perry, 2000). On the other hand, theism believes in an interventionist and active God who created the earth and also answers prayers, requires worship, judges the sins of people, and was responsible for creating a divine son (Sessions, 2002). Studies have shown that theists believe a hundred percent in the existence of god and have a verifiable and objective evidence.
The three characters of Hume’s dialogues include Demea, Cleanthes, and Philo. When it comes to the argument for the existence of God, Demea tends to endorse a priori or the first cause. According to his arguments, people definitely understand that there is God, and it is sinful to assume how people think of in God human term (Lectu...
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