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Critique for Microbiology Article

Essay Instructions:
Please, see attachment for Article This is the instruction to follow : Microbiology Critiques should be word-processed on 8 ½ x 11 inch paper. Use one side of paper only, number your pages, have minimum 1 inch margins on all sides, use proper sentence and paragraph structure in addition to correctly spelling all words! The Written Critiques Consist of 4 Parts: 1. What was the article about? Summarize it briefly. 2. What was good about the presentation? 3. What needed to be improved? If you were the writer, how might you have done it differently? What were the weaker aspects? 4. What did you learn that you didn't know before? What did it make you think about? How is your understanding of microbiology enhanced? This is the most important part of your report. Spend the most time on this section! 5. Why you chose the article and your key learnings.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Critique for Microbiology Article Name: Institution: Course: Course Instructor: Date Due: What was the article about? The article “Selection of Yeasts Antagonists as Bio control Agent of Mango Fruit Rot caused by Botryodiplodia theobromae”, gives details of how yeast species can be cultured and used as a biological control for mango rot caused by a fungus species. The research was aimed at studying the potency of yeast in controlling mango rot caused by B. theobromae in an in-vivo condition. The research paper shows the material and procedure used to culture and test for the antagonist characteristic of yeasts when used as a bio control agent against mango rot causing fungi, Botryodiplodia theobromae. This paper clearly showed the benefits attained by use of yeast to control mango rot. The study also came to conclusion that, three yeast species have antagonistic effect against the fungus species causing mango rot. The research paper also gives very key researches the have been done but other researchers. Finally, the paper gives the other knowledge gaps, which need to be researched to assertion the effectiveness of yeast as a bio control agent to pathogen causing mango rot. What was good about the presentation? The research showed clear the potency of yeast species to control mango rot under in-vitro conditions. The research also showed the differential effect of several species of microbes and also chemical control and ascertained that B. theobromae was far better to control mango rot under such conditions. This information will acts as the bases of other studies to aid in development and production of bio control agents. Their distribution to the market to fight this mango disease causing agents will give farmers, traders and customer hope of reaping the benefits of their effort. The research gives the details of the materials and procedure used to come up with the finding. Hence, other new researchers can redo the research to confirm the validity of the results of this research It research paper also gives comparison to show the effectiveness of yeast to control the mango rot fungi amongst other control agents. This gives an in evitable support to the ability of yeast to be used as bio control against the fungus causing mango rot. Further, the research paper also gives detailed areas that need further study. This areas gives room for other researcher to explore and come up with valid explanation to the questions or provide the information on the key issues not included in this research. Finally, the research paper gives other related research findings across the years, which add value to the paper. What needed to be improved? If you were the writer, how might you have done it differently? What were the weaker aspects? Though the research revealed some important information about the antagonistic ability of yeast species (C. albidus var. aerius) on fungi causing mango rot, much study is needed to enable the stakeholders in the mango industry to reap the benefits of the finding of the study. This is due to the information gaps, which are not answered. The microbes were cultured in-vivo (regulated) environment and standardized growth media. However, these conditions are not available room conditions. Thus, the research could have also focused on ascertaining the effect of yeast on real storage condition in the mango stores. This is because the effectiveness of microbes change with change of environmental factor thus, the yeast species may only have those antagonist effects at in- vivo environments and may not be functional at storage environment. In addition, the Bio control activity of the yeast used in the study did not correlate to its antibiosis and chitinolytic activity of the same yeast. Also this research did no invest weight to examine the role of induced resistance and competition of the three antagonistic yeasts, hence such research are needed to clear details induced resistant and completion of the three antagonistic yeast species. All the knowledge gaps need to be filled before the conclusion that the three yeast species have antagonistic characteristic to the mango rot causal agent (Botryodiplodia theobromae). Though at in-vivo conditions ph 5.5 it was found that Botryodiplodia theobromae was antagonized by yeast species, the fungi does well under a ph slightly higher that is 6.0 and temperature of 30 degrees, thus failure of the fungi Botryodiplodia theobromae to develop may be due to the failure of the conditions which to favor its growth. Hence more studies under different ph level can be carried to satisfactory prove antagonistic behavior of yeast against Botryodiplodia theobromae fungus. What did you learn that you did not know before? What did it make you think ...
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